Forest Engineering
and other wonderful things...

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since Nov 1/00,
Welcome to Jason Urquhart's homepage.
This website is basically dead.
Check out My Photography website, J&S Photographyor My Blog
If you are interested in harvesting machinery, click here
I have included pages in both Japanese and French. There's not very much there at the moment, please be patient.
During the summer of 1997, I went to Japan.
Click Here to read the updates that I posted.
Before I went to Japan, I couldn't speak Japanese at all. I studied a bit while I was there, then took a course when I got back to Canada. Here is a bit about learning Japanese
Here are a couple of neat images
How would you like to see a map of Fredericton or a
map of UNB
Here is a list of linksthat you might find useful
Includes Forestry Related, Lifesaving & First Aid, and some Friends
If you want to see some pictures, click here!
If you like, send me an e-mail

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