How To Translate Women's Language
Womanspeak English
* You want <= You want
* We need <= I want
* It's your decision <= The correct decision should be obvious by now
* Do what you want <= You'll pay for this later
* We need to talk <= I need to complain
* Sure... go ahead <= I don't want you to.
* I'm not upset <= Of course I'm upset,you moron.
* You're ... so manly <= You need a shave and you sweat a lot.
* You're certainly <= Is sex all you ever think about?
attentive tonight.
* I'm not emotional! <= I'm on my period.
And I'm not
* Be romantic, turn <= I have flabby thighs.
out the lights.
* This kitchen is so <= I want a new house.
* I want new curtains <= and carpeting, and furniture, and wallpaper.....
* I need wedding shoes <= the other 40 pairs are the wrong shade of white
* Hang the picture there <= NO, I mean hang it there!
* I heard a noise <= I noticed you were almost asleep.
* Do you love me? <= I'm going to ask for something expensive.
* How much do you love <= I did something today you're really not going to
me? like.
* I'll be ready in <= Kick off your shoes and find a good game on T.V.
a minute.
* Is my butt fat? <= Tell me I'm beautiful.
* You have to learn <= Just agree with me.
to communicate.
* Are you listening <= [Too late, your dead.]
to me!?
* Yes <= No
* No <= No
* Maybe <= No
* I'm sorry. <= You'll be sorry.
* Do you like this <= It's easy to fix,
recipe? so you'd better get used to it.
* Was that the baby ? <= Why don't you get out of bed and
walk him until he goes to sleep.
* I'm not yelling! <= Yes, I am yelling, because I think this
is important.
* All we're going to <= It goes without saying that we're stopping
buy is s soap dish at the cosmetics department, the shoe
department, I need to look at a few
new pocket books, and OMIGOD there's a
sale in lingerie, and wouldn't these
pink sheets look great in the bedroom
and did you bring your checkbook?
/* in answer to "What's wrong?" */
--The same old thing. <= Nothing.
--Nothing. <= Everything.
--Everything. <= My PMS is acting up.
--Nothing, really. <= It's just that you're such an asshole.
--I don't want to <= Go away, I'm still building up steam.
talk about it.