Great Cook
The group was camping in the outback, and they had decided that they
would take turns to do all the chores. However, nobody wanted to do the
cooking. Eventually they hit on a solution. The first would cook, then
when someone complained it would be their turn...
Jack was the first to cook, and despite the fact that the meal was
overdone, and had sand in it, the reception was enthusiastic.
"great meal"... "bonza" .... "beaut" etc. etc.
This continued for two more days, with compliments for Jack's lousy
cooking coming thick and fast. Nobody was prepared to mutter even the
slightest hint of a criticism.
Eventually, on the fourth day Jack had had enough. He dumped in the
pan, fried it, served it, and waited.
Ned was the first to take a bite. As the foul taste hit his tongue. He
gagged, and yelled: "my god this is shit!...but beautifully cooked"