Jl.Gereja Theresia No. 4, Jakarta 10350 - INDONESIA
Unofficial Homepage For The Alumni
Hi, boys and girls
It is very nice to meet you at this web. Yes, this homepage is dedicated to all of you guys alumni of SMA.ST.THERESIA-Jakarta,Indonesia. Wherever you are or whoever you are, all of you are welcome. If you think it is the right place to keep in touch among us, visit and JOIN us by submitting your personal information to our webmaster SMAT27A@GEOCITIES.COM, and don't forget to tell your friends about it, ask them to vist and join us and make our lovely home hot, crowded and cheerful. GO GLOBAL NOW !


Still remember he or she ? ... Yep, she is my ex girlfriend ...Oo,my god, he is cute ... YES, that are your lovely memories. Do you want to talk, chat, meet them or maybe you are gonna go steady with one of them , find them right now ... here... and have some fun !

NEWS ... NEWS ... NEWS ... !
Is it true ? or only a gossip ? Oops, I don't know ... that all the information we have about our brotherhood. So, if you know or hear about some information that maybe sounds interesting for us to know (married, baby born, reunion,event,rumours, etc,etc) let us know that NEWS.
Hi, bagi yang mau kasih informasi mengenai aktivitas-aktivitas kegiatan, atau apa saja mengenai kita-kita bisa kirim lewat News Form, supaya yang lain-lain juga pada tahu tuch and always keep in touch, thanks .........Serviam ! 


By the way do you still rembember about our lovely school ?
If you already forget about it, try to remember it !
SMA.ST.THERESIA's homepage

You are the Alumni #


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