Welcome To Our VITA Program
Volunteer Income Tax Assistant

    Recently the UCR Accounting Society started a new program called VITA, which stands for volunteer income tax assistant.  Basically people in the program go out during the tax season and help others with their tax forms. (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, etc.)  In some schools the VITA can be turn into class units, but we are not sure if we can get that now.  The Accounting Society is working with the AGSM for it.
    In order to organize the VITA program, the Accounting Society setup a new position, VITA Coordinator.  Lovely Eldia Carbajal was elected for that position.  If you want to know more about the VITA program you can e-mail her.

Place: Lower level Meeting Room of Costo Hall (Next to the Commons)
Time:  9 am - 5 pm Mon. - Fri.
Bring in your W-2s, 1099s, photo ID, and Social Security Card.

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W-2s: The forms that you received from your employer. 
1099s: The forms that you received from your bank, stock agent, self-employee contractor... etc.