I will take over the world and make all of you my slaves

My name is John Ciliberti, a name that you shall soon know very well. Why? Because you and your whole family shall all be my servants. The whole world shall bow before me as king, dictator, lord, pharos Ect. Ect. Ect……
I plan to take over the world and know one can stop me!.
How? ,You may ask. I have a three fold plan for world domination:

  1. Religion.

    If you are tired of Christianity and are searching for a more fashionable spiritial divertissement, you may want to check out my religion page.
    The First Church of Sammy Davis

  2. Hate
    To use as a vehicle on the road to world domination, I've started my own Hate organization. Unlike most of the hate organizations that you will find on the web, my organization H.A.D (Haters Against Discrimination), is non-biased. We base our theology on misanthropy instead of racism. We are proud to be the world's first politically correct Hate group.

  3. Language
    Once I take over the world I will force everyone to speak I single english dialect calledpiazonics. It is the same lauguage already spoken by thousands of Italian Americans in the vicinity of Newark, NJ.See Thepiazonics page for details.

Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin

To see what is in store for all of the unfortunate souls who oppose me, check out
All the Gore You can fit in a GIF

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NEW! Download the newest thing in interactive entertainment,
The Insult Program 1.1.

The Insult program allows you to have a "real time" conversation with your PC. The program begins by asking you your name and then proceeds to make fun of you. You then can reply to these insults by typing a counter attack into the user prompt. You can argue with the computer as long as you like(or you can stomach).
This program contains very harsh language and is not intended for children.

Click Here to DownLoad

If you want to know more about the asshole that created this page and get need to know info like:
  • What does this asshole look like?
  • Does he have any friends?
  • How big is his penis?
Then point you mouse to More about me

This page has been visitedtimes since 12/29/97.
