NOTE: This Testimony is 17 pages long (typed). This is about my life. From the time I was born till now. Sit back and relax and enjoy my life story.

-Phil R. Villarreal

My Full Life Testimony


My name is Phil Villarreal. I was born in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas. On June 16, 1977. At about 10:15 a.m. weighing in at 6 lbs. 7 oz. My astrological sign is a Gemini. My Traditional Gemini traits are: Adaptable and versatile, Communicative and witty, Intellectual and eloquent, Youthful and lively.

On my dark side as a Gemini: I can be Nervous and tense, Superficial and inconsistent, Cunning and inquisitive.

Growing Up:

When I was born. I came into this world poor. I was raised in a very poor home. It had no air conditioning and no heating. It didn't even have insulation between the walls and not even in the ceiling. Winter nights were very cold. With only having two gas operated heaters in the whole house. That's how we managed to stay warm in those long cold winter nights. And when summer approached. The only relief we had from the heat, was the opening of windows and doors throughout our home.

I grew up with two older brothers and one older sister. For my oldest brother. He was not living with us. For he was now married and living on his own with his wife. For my oldest sister. She was also married and was living with her husband in Salem, Virginia. And for my second oldest brother. He had yet to get married. He was going to college at Texas A & M University and was living on his own, at College Station, Texas.

As for me. I grew up alone, not knowing what it was to play or fight with my brothers and sister. When I was really small. I hardly saw my two brothers and my sister. Though I loved them with all my heart. And I still do, to this date.

As time went by, I remember going to church when I was real little. We were Catholic at the time. We would go to church every Sunday morning. But then something happen, caused we stopped going to church. And as I can remember we never did go back to church for some odd reason. At the time it didn't bother me, not going to church. For one reason I was too small. I didn't know what church really was all about.

As time went by, the moment came for my very first day of school. I remember crying cause I didn't want to go to school. My mom cried with me. But my mom encouraged me to go to school. My mom walked me to school that very first day. Cause the school was only a block away from our house.

I remember stepping into a classroom for the first time. I felt so afraid and alone. I made lots of friends and by the time I realized. My fear of school had passed. For I was starting my Kindergarten year in school, in the summer of 1982. At the age of five years old.


During the years of my Kindergarten through my First grade year in school. I remember that when winter showed up. And when it was too cold to walk to the cafeteria. We would eat our lunch in the classroom. For the school at the time, it only had one heater per classroom. The outer walls were solid brick and had no insulation. And the inner walls were so thin that you could hear among other classrooms. And the floors in certain classrooms would bare concrete, while some had tiles on the floor to cover up the concrete look. And each classroom had its own restroom.

Second grade finally came along for me. I started out good. But quickly went down hill in my grades. I was failing second grade. And I knew I would come home to face my parents with a belt across my rear end. For the teachers would call home to the students who were not passing. To tell them about their son or daughter's situation. And for me I wasn't lucky, for I got a whipping. As for homework, if you didn't turn it in on time. Your punishment was a slap across the backside of your hand with a wooden ruler. As the school year started to end. I started to get better in my grades. But I was too late. I had already failed Second grade by one point.

During that summer I had two accidents. I was around seven or eight years of age when both accidents happened. The first incident that I had was. I was jumping up and down on a bed, enjoying myself. When in one of those jumps, I lost my balance when I landed. I hit my forehead right on the headboard, of the bed I was jumping on. I was in a lot of pain, but luckily I didn't suffer a fracture in my skull. What I got was a nice indention in my forehead from the force of the impact. If you're facing me, look to your left and you will see the small indention. That I have since the time of the incident.

The second accident was the most serious of them all. My dad and I went out for a little stroll on my dad's bike. With me sitting sideways in the center bar frame between the seat and the handlebars. My dad made a swift turn to the right. My left foot swung under the bike and got caught by the wheel. My foot was pulled in by the spokes from the wheel. It tore my shoe in shreds as well as my sock along with my left foot. My left ankle on the outer side took the worst. The spokes of the wheel digged out the skin, off of my left ankle. I was unable to walk for weeks. As I slowly recovered from my injury. Luckily I didn't break not one bone in my foot or ankle.

Now that I'm older, I have a scar on my left outer side of my ankle. That I will have for the rest of my life.

A Second Chance and A New Beginning:

When my Second grade year ended. My father found work in Houston, Texas. And what that meant was. It was time to move to a better place. So in the summer of 1985 we packed up our belongings and head to Houston for our first time. I had just turned eight years old. I had never been in another city before. I was so excited. And yet I was sad. Cause I was leaving my friends behind. For the first time I found out, what it is to miss your friends. And for the school. It's hard to believe, but it's still standing. And in much better condition.

As for me. I started all over again in Second grade, but in a totally different school. For this school had air conditioning and heating. And classrooms that were at least two times as big in size. For I never saw such a big school in my life. Our new home as well had air conditioning and heating. It was a major change for my parents and me. The new lifestyle was a lot better.

I started Second grade out with a "BANG". I was on my way to a good start. This time I was making good grades and keeping them up. I made lots of friends, even though I wasn't as popular. I learned to do many things that I never did before. I had classes I never had before. One class that caught my interest was "Music Class" That class taught not only me, but also others. How to hum and sign to music notes.

For me it was my first time to learn how music was put together, to make a song happen. It was also my very first time to play an instrument. That instrument was called a "Recorder" It was just like a Flute, but you didn't play it like a Flute. With that instrument I learned how to play my very first song "Mary Had a Little Lamb."

After my new experience with the new school. My Elementary years went by with a charm. I didn't have any worries at all. And I was looking forward to Middle School. Throughout my Elementary years. I got many awards for perfect attendance, friendship learning skills and physical education.

On the last day of school on my 5th grade year. The school put on a memory show for all of the 5th graders. The memory show consisted of picture slides, from us students. After seeing yourself in those pictures. You look back into the years and think. Wow I have really grown and learned a lot. There were many tears that day as the memories unfolded before our eyes. And too finished out the last of the day. The school put on a big lunch for all of us 5th grade students. And just like that, it was all over . . .

Middle School Years:

It was the summer of 1989. I was at the age of 12 when I first started my middle school year in 6th grade. The school was a lot bigger in size. And it had two times as much students. Classes were now separated into periods of six. And everyone had his or her own locker.

When I reached 7th grade I enrolled into the school band. And stayed with it all the way too, the end of my 8th grade year. And I played the Coronet. Which is smaller than a Trumpet. I preformed in many football games and in pep rallies. Which was a fun and interesting experience. When 8th graded ended so did my band times. I still have my instrument, but I have forgotten how to play it.

Peer Pressure:

During my middle school years I faced a lot of peer pressure with my friends and many others. By the way I dressed and looked. Back in my time. If you didn't wear a certain name brand shoe. Which was Nike. You where surly gonna get picked on. If you didn't have the hair cut style for that age. Which was a flat top too spiked. You were also gonna get picked on. As for me I didn't care what anyone said. For one reason I didn't have money to go out and buy me a $50 pair of shoes or get me a $20 haircut. If someone wanted me to look a certain way. Or for me to wear a name brand shoe. I would tell them. Well you pay for it. Cause I can't afford it.

My First Relationship:

I was 14 years old and in 8th grade when I got involved with my first girlfriend. It didn't start out as by, hi how are you doing? I would like to go out with you! This girl was in one of my classes. We worked together, did homework together and ate lunch together. Then I did the unthinkable. I asked her out. And she became my very first girlfriend. We only went out with each other for a few months. During that time nothing happen. It was just friendship and puppy love. That's when I had my very first hug from a girl. And I tell you. It was a wonderful feeling.

We both didn't get too serious with each other. For one reason we were too young and we hardly knew each other. Well a few months went by and the school year started to end. Since we both were 8th graders and were getting ready to head to high school next year. The school threw an 8th grade dance that ended the year. After the dance I never saw my girlfriend again. I wasn't as heart broken as some others get. To me I think it was just a mutual thing that happened.

Summer Thrills and Spills:

During the duration of summer while it lasted. I suffered two accidents. My first accident was a biking accident that involved the next-door neighbor's kid across the street from me. That kid hated me with all his might. He saw me riding my bike and at a distance he threw a hard wooden stick at me that logged itself in the front wheel of my bike. With me in motion my front wheel completely stopped. Sending me with my bike in a complete 180-degree turn, face down into the concrete pavement. It happened so fast I did not know what hit me. All that I suffered was a few scratches and bruises and no broken bones. As for my bike, well it was totaled.

My second accident also involved the neighbor's kid. I was on my way outside to pick up the trashcans. When all of a sudden, when I had my back turned. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, with a coldness running down. I was struck in the head with a 3-inch diameter rock. That caused my head to split open. I felt real faint but I made it back into my home. After that second accident. That was the last straw. The parents of that kid gave him some punishment. After that he never approached me again.

High School Years:

It was the summer of 1992. I was 15 and a Freshman in High School. The school was huge in size and in population as well. During my time when I started, there were more than 3,800 students. That's "almost" 1,000 students per grade level.

I started my Freshman year just fine. I had normal classes like everyone else. I also got involved into a typing class for my first time. I learned how to type without a problem and maintained a speed of 50 to 60 words per minute (wpm). My Freshman year went by like a charm. With no problems from friends or enemies.

Driving at Last:

Summer came and I took a drivers education course. I drove a car for my first time. And to tell you the truth I did pretty well. I passed both the driving course and the classroom course. And I was walking out with my driving permit in hand. All I had to do was wait till I turned 16 during that summer to get my drivers license.

During the time of my wait. My parents and I went out looking at used cars. Where I bought my first car at the age of 15. It was a 1989 Ford Tempo and in very good condition. I paid off the car with my life savings and drove off as happy as can be.

My Second Relationship: (Part 1 of 3)

My 16th birthday came and went. And I went to get my official drivers license. And in no time I had my license to drive. The rest of the summer passed. That's where I came to meet my Second Girlfriend to be. She lived a few houses down from where I lived. So it was easy to see her.

School started again and I now was a Sophomore and so was my girlfriend. It came to be that both her and I had many classes together. We even had the same lunch period together. We both were so excited. We started to get to know each other pretty well. And we both started to get really serious with each other. We talked about things that we never told others before. We felt really comfortable with each other. And we had many things in common. Weeks went by and things got better.

School Fights:

During my time as a Sophomore. I took a class that I should have never taken. I took "Small Engine Repair" It was a class that taught how to fix small gas powered engines. And in that class was nothing but troublemakers. Between me and three other guys. We were the ones to get pushed and picked on. The reason was we were the "Nerd" looking type of guys. There was this one guy that seemed to be the lead focus on the group. And I hated him and I was scared of him. But I never, ever let my guard down. I never showed him and the other guys that I was scared of them. Even though I was scared deep down inside.

One day as I was entering into the classroom. One of the guys came up to me and started pushing me around, saying all kinds of trash to my face. My anger built within me. But I held it in and walked away. Since I'm not the kind of person, to start a fight.

In another day the lead guy cornered me and held a knife to me. And told me this, "If you ever mess with one of my homies again, I will cut you up." The reason being for that type of action from that guy was. I had told the teacher about the guy that was pushing me around the following day. By this time I feared for my life. And I was alert to whom and what was around me. Then one day it happened.

The guy that I had told on came at me with a knife. The fear ran through my body as I saw him coming toward me with the knife. All I can think was to keep that knife from entering me. With my left hand I grabbed his right arm, which held the knife in his hand. And I don't know how I did it. But I manage to knock off the knife from his hand. I brought him toward me and with my right hand. I swung with all my might and hit his left side of the jaw. Where I drew blood from busting his lips. He stumbled back and came at me once more. But before he could reach me. My fist was already in the same place as the first time. He stumbled back again to were the Shop Teacher grabbed him and dragged him off to the office. For the teacher had seen everything that happened.

He got a month of detention and was suspended for a month for caring a concealed knife. As for me, I received two days in detention. After I got out of detention. I tell you what. Not one, of the other guys including the lead guy ever touched me again. It just shows you what fear and anger can do to a person in self-defense.

My Second Relationship: (Part 2 of 3)

During my whole year of being in fear for my life. That's when my girlfriend became very protective of me. She would not let anyone near me. Not even my friends. At first I didn't mind her help in protecting me. But then it started getting out of hand. She would want to fight with any other girl that I knew. That would talk to me or even see me. I told my girlfriend to stop being the way she was toward my friends. And so she stopped.

My Sophomore year ended as well as my girlfriend's and we spent a lot of time together during the summer of 1994. Many good things happened that I regret between my girlfriend and me. I had my first kiss that summer. It was the most wonderful thing that I had ever felt. I fell deeply in love with my girlfriend. Or so I thought I did. Then my girlfriend was always talking to me about sex. She wanted to know what it felt like and to experience it. And to tell you the truth, I didn't know much about sex. I had strict parents and I was never able to talk nor watch anything that dealt with sex. So I didn't know what sex really was. But with my girlfriend pressuring me into sex. I became curious, and we both ended up doing it. And now that I'm older. I regret it, I should have waited. So now, I'm what you call a second generation virgin. And proud of it!

During that time my girlfriend asked me if I would marry her. I looked at her and told that I was too young to get married. And that I wanted to go to college and do something with my life. She looked at me and cried. And I wonder if she ever understood as to why I didn't marry her. Cause she knew that I loved her with all my heart. Time went on between us. As we both started school again as Juniors.

Career Decisions:

As my Junior year started. I enrolled into a 2-year class called "Auto Technician." It was a class that taught us students how to work on a car or truck. That operated on gas, diesel, natural gas, and electric power. I made a very good choice and ended up in a good class without any troublemakers.

Throughout the year I worked on many different makes and models of vehicles. I learned how to fix and correct problems. I also learned how to troubleshoot an electrical problem. And I learned just about every possible part of an engine and how it worked. I even learned how to operated high tech computerized equipment to test the vehicles of today. For at the time of my life, I thought of what I wanted to do, when I would graduate from school. I wanted to pursue a career in Automotive. But then I thought about it hard and decided that Automotive was not for me. The pay was good, but the work conditions were dirty, stressful and tiring.

A Close Call:

When I was in my Junior year. I had an accident that happened to me. I was in my Auto Technician class. When I went to get one of the vehicles that I was going to work on. I opened the drive side door and sat in it. I reached out, to close the door. When the car door slammed shut. A piece of metal flew directly into my left eye.

I called home and got picked up from school. I was rushed to the doctor's office. And in no time at all the doctor saw me. The doctor looked at my eye and told me that I was very lucky. The piece of metal was on the border of my eye lens. The doctor pulled out this three inch needled and told me not to blink. I said, "I aint blinking!" The doctor dug the piece of metal out of my eye. The piece of metal came out in three separate pieces. That's how big it was.

The doctor told me that if it had fallen, into my eye lens. I probably would have suffered minor blindness in my left eye for the rest of my life.

My Second Relationship: (Part 3 of 3)

Throughout my Junior year. I started to notice a few changes in my girlfriend. She didn't talk to me as much. She didn't show her love toward me in the way of hugs and kisses. I began to pay more attention to my girlfriend's signs. And one day I overheard a conversation between her and her girlfriends. Saying that she was messing around with some other guy that I knew.

I confronted my girlfriend. And told her that she had some explaining to do. She jumped all up in my face telling me things from head to toe. I took one step back. I looked at her in tears and told her that it was over between us. She stood in front of me and began to cry. I told her that I loved her. And that I had to do it. Cause I didn't want to feel hurt again. I then walked off and never talked to her again. But the heartbrokenness and pain still lasted within me. Caused I loved her. I truly did. And I trusted her.

Losing a Close Friend of Mine:

When I broke up with my girlfriend. I also broke a strong friendship between a guy that my girlfriend and I knew. I hated both of them deeply. I hated the guy for taking advantage of my girlfriend. Throughout the rest of my high school years till now. I have not spoken to the guy that I broke our friendship together. I have heard from others that he wants to talk to me and see me before he dies. When I knew him, he had Muscular Dystrophy. Over the years that I haven't seen him. I hear he has gotten worst in his disease and is probably in his last few years of living. I just want him to know, wherever he may be. That I am sorry for breaking our friendship together over my girlfriend.

My Senior Year:

Summer came and left. And it was time to start the last year of my high school years. I still had my second half of my class called "Auto Technician." Where I fixed up my brother's 1979 Ford Thunderbird from front to rear. By mid year I got the car all put together and finally running.

I then also took another class called "Business Computer Applications." This class taught the basics of business computer software. And since at the time I didn't own my own computer. I never liked computers. I was terrified of them and scared to use one. But I broke down and took the class any ways. And boy was I glad that I did take the class. Working on a computer was so much faster and easier. I had so much fun working on the computers. I never thought computers could be so much fun.

I still was undecided as to what I would do after I graduated. I didn't even have a college planned out yet. But I sure was making the best I could for my last year in school. I even planned to go out to each high school dance that was going to be held for the year. Till my ex girlfriend got involved again . . .

Outrage of my Ex. Girlfriend:

When the Homecoming Dance came. I had a date and was ready for the dance within a few more weeks. Somehow my ex girlfriend told my date something about me. And the next thing I knew. I was no longer going to the Homecoming Dance. The homecoming came and went without me. And I was very upset about it. I put it all behind me and I waited till the next dance. Which was going to be the Saint Hopkins Dance. But in this dance the girls would have to ask the guys out.

A girl asked me to the dance and I happily accepted. But terror struck twice. Again my ex girlfriend supposedly told something to the girl that asked me out. And again I didn't go to the Saint Hopkins Dance. The Saint Hopkins Dance came and went without me.

Then came the most popular dance ever, which is the Prom. I had found a date and we made plans on going. All we had to do was wait and buy the tickets. Terror struck again for the third time in a row. And I was faced with no date and no Prom Dance. By what other's said my ex girlfriend made her year by ruing my life. And she ended up going to Prom with her new boyfriend. As for me I didn't enjoy my Senior year. But my ex did.

A Last Minute Decision:

During the last month of school. Colleges and Technical Schools were visiting my high school. In one of those visits. ITT Technical Institute was the one visiting our school that day. They showed what they had to offer, which was Electronics and Computer Aided Drafting and Design. What caught my interest was the Computer Drafting part. I literally signed up for more information on Computer Drafting. And in two days I had the information in the mail. The next thing I knew, there was someone knocking at our home door. And it was an ITT Tech Representative. We sat down and filled out paper work. And the following day I went down to ITT Technical Institute to take a written test. I passed with flying colors. And it took one week of process. To where I was accepted into the college.

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