To anyone who uses my mailing address and/or phone number, for illegal use will be prosecuted. This is strictly for business usage! This web page has an ISP date log, which can be tracked.
Phil R. Villarreal
9302 Magnolia Ridge Dr.
Houston, Texas 77070
Phone (281) 320-8634 or (281) 320-8258
Objective: A Design/Drafting position within; Civil Engineering
ITT Technical Institute. Houston, Texas
Associate Degree of Applied Science in Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology AAS/CADD.
Completed over 1000 CAD lab hours
Graduation Date: December 1997
- Opportunity for further Graduate Course Study offering Personal Growth to attain Bachelor's/Master's Degree
Sitech Engineering, Corp. The Woodlands, Texas 1998-(Present)
Position: Junior Designer
- Design of Both Commercial & Residential Sites
- Design of Detention Basins and Drainage Facilities
- Plan & Profile Design of Roadways, Sanitary Storm and Water Utilities
- Some Structural Design and (M.E.P.) Design. Site Inspections, and Training New Employees
- Knowledgeable in City of Houston/County Standards and City of Conroe/County Standards
Ingham Investigation Services, Houston, Texas 2001-(Present)
Position: Private Investigator
- Criminal and Civil Investigations
- Bail Enforcement
- Surveillance
Seaboard Controls, Inc. Crosby, Texas 1997-1998
Position: Draftsman
- Design of Switchboard Panels
- Layout Electrical Schematics
- Hands on Wiring of Switchboard Panels
- Knowledgeable in Some Electrical Standards
Other Skills & Activities
- Computer Experiences: AutoCAD 2000/I Land Development, AutoCAD R12 thru R14, AutoCAD LT95/97, Softdesk Civil Survey, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Outlook, Win 3.1, Win95, Win98, Internet & E-mail.
- (Licensed) Private Investigator
- Former Member of the American Design Drafting Association (ADDA).

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