Latest News

Updated 3/30/2003

Hey hey, what's up everybody!!! Well I have been slowly putting the final touches to my site. I finally got some pictures of my truck on here. And also updated my Email Address!

I have also been getting web page address from some of you. Which I have slowly been updating as I go. I know there is some of you that haven't responded back. But go ahead and send in your web site address when you can and I'll add it in ASAP.

Well as for me. I'm doing just fine!! Been working most of my time with both of my jobs. Mostly just trying to catch up on everything. After being sick for a good 3 straight weeks. I Finally got over that!

Well everyone I have to get back to my life now! Check back more often on my site to see my new additions. Which I promised! Till then take care everyone and God Bless. And Never Forget to Pray for Our Troops and Nation!

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