
Thailand '99

Pattaya is primarily a tourist city. This street becomes very busy at night with a lot of people walking around looking for whatever they come here for. To my right (not shown in the photo) is a beach that has been heavily polluted. Perhaps because of this, there are considerable less tourists in Pattaya than before. At my back is a large (in Pattaya's term) Pattaya mall with a crashed plane on its floor as a decoration. Goods in there are not as cheap as other places in Thailand as it is mainly a tourist spot. In the middle of the sea, some Thai businessmen put a couple floating platforms for tourists to enjoy a 'flying' experience. The game works as follows: you are tied to a parachute while standing on the edge of the platform, and when a motorized boat drag you out to the sea, you becomes airborne instantly. It is pretty fun and relatively safe. In the photo, I was gliding down back to the platform.

The scene was a Thai singing and dancing show. Beautiful girls? Come on, you know what Thai is famous for? Exactly, transvestites! These 'men' look 100% like women. I seriously don't know where they get those long slim legs. However, I am sure that we have a totally different situation when you hear them speaking. Tapes were played during the show. Again, this was men-at-work. Of course, it is your choice to ignore me and fantasize about girls in Brazilian's party costume. A buddish temple. There are a couple statues featuring the four-faced god outside the temple. Inside the temple, there is a half-asleep budda lying on his hand. I am not into this reglion so I cannot tell you much.

A photo taken in a section of a theme park near Bangkok, in which objects that are normally small are made to be as big as a human being, such as the mailbox and apple shown. There is a similar scene in another section of the same theme park where fruits and vegetables are made several storeys high. You can compare them with the trees around to get an idea of their sizes. This photo was taken from a cable car hanging high above. A busy street of Bangkok at night that has everything you can expect from this place: pirated VCDs, fake designers' clothing, open-air cafes, and night clubs for the typical perverts as well as queer lovers! Clubs of the latter category are pretty aggresive in attracting customers so watch where you walk carefully.

Some of the more traditional taxis in Bangkok only have three wheels. In fact, they are closer to a modified motor cycle than a car. These Thailand-made vehciles are noisy, and your face will be covered with dust even after a short ride. However, this is an interesting experience that you cannot get anywhere else.    
