the college dropouts alumni association homepage

website originated Nov 12, 1996 - updated Jan 07, '99


Many of you may be asking, What? Read on.This page is either (a) a big joke, (b) a budding support group, (c) a unique listing of successful college dropouts, (d) none of the above, (e) all of the above, (f) don't ask me, I hate tests!

Famous Alums

F Scott Fitzgerald dropped out of Princeton, Dec. 1915
William Faulkner dropped out of the University of Mississippi
Edward Albee (playwright) dropped out of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, after 3 semesters

Woody Allen (Woody Allen) was expelled from New York University and City College of New York
Steve Martin (wild & crazy guy) dropped out of Long Beach State College, where he was a philosophy major; though Steve had excellent grades, he says he became disillusioned upon reading Wittgenstein's view that "all philosophical problems can be reduced to problems of semantics"!!
Rosie O'Donnell (movies, tv, K-mart ads) dropped out of Dickinson College and Boston University
Ellen DeGeneres (tv) dropped out of University of New Orleans
Dan Aykroyd (SNL) dropped out of Carleton University, Ottawa

Bill Gates (Microsoft) dropped out of Harvard, 1976
Steve Jobs (Apple, NeXT, Pixar) left Reed College in Portland, Oregon, after 1 semester
Steve Wozniak (with Jobs, founded Apple Computer)
Lawrence Ellison (Oracle Computer)
Michael Dell (Dell Computer) dropped out of the University of Texas

Other Business:
David Geffen (Geffen Records, Dreamworks SKG) flunked out of University of Texas, Austin, AND Brooklyn College, NY
H Wayne Huizenga (Blockbuster Video millionaire, owner of Miami Dolphins, Florida Panthers and Florida Marlins) attended Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, for 3 semesters
Ted Turner (media mogul) -kicked out, I hear!
Ron Popeil (tv huckster, RONCO)
William Hanna (Hanna-Barbera)

Barry Goldwater ( berRepublican, Au H2O) Can you believe the anti-hippie himself tuned in, turned on, and dropped out? (Well, he dropped out at least)
Rush Limbaugh (media personality, tie salesman) spent 1 year at Southeastern Missouri State University before dropping out

Tom Hanks (actor) dropped out of CalState, Sacramento
Dustin Hoffman (actor)
Warren Beatty (actor)
Richard Gere (actor)
Burt Reynolds (former actor)
Sharon Stone (actress)
Bruce Willis (parody of an actor)
James Cameron (director of "Independence Day")
James Dean (actor, rebel, postage stamp)
Bill Murray (SNL, movies)
Andie MacDowell (actress)
Michael Keaton (actor)
Dennis Quaid (actor)
Kevin Sorbo (tv's Hercules)
Marisa Tomei (actress)
Brad Pitt (actor)
Stan Brakhage (experimental filmmaker)

David Byrne (Talking Heads) dropped out of the Rhode Island School of Design
Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction, Porno for Pyros)
Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)
Yoko Ono (you know) dropped out of Sarah Lawrence College
Burl Ives (appears in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas Special!)
Arlo Guthrie (singer) dropped out of Rocky Mountain College, Billings, Montana
Charlie Rich (Memphis blues musician, singer, songwriter)

Other Media:
Nina Totenberg (public radio) dropped out of Boston University


We are seeking members who are of above-average intelligence (after all, you had to have gone to college to have dropped out!), former students who grew dissatisfied with their college experiences and ended up... well, er, NOT finishing. We are particularly interested in non-traditional success stories. However, we are not an advocacy group. (Living in a culture where "Stay in School" resonates in our collective memory alongside "Just Say No," it feels like our association almost has to pre-apologize before saying that some people don't finish school and still live acceptable lives. One of the aims of our organization would be to reduce this uneasy feeling.) If our organization is for you, please contact us. Don't worry you won't have to do, pay, or believe anything. This is the web, after all!

Scroll through our membership rolls and read what people have to say about their own dropout experiences.

Job Hunt - new feature not yet implemented, on obtaining a job without a college diploma. To contribute your experiences to this developing page, please write to us at

After these messages, we'll be right back:

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dude named Jason Miller dropped out to pursue a recording contract for his band godhead.

personal page of a guy who points out, in addition to being a college dropout, that he was born and put up for adoption exactly nine months after Roe v. Wade decision... so he "might not have existed"

PR page for JobDirect, an employment service founded by two women who, you guessed it, had dropped out of college

Anson Williams, "Potsie" of Happy Days, dropped out when he went into acting. I could have put him on the famous people list, but I don't think he deserves it! (Maybe I'll reconsider.)

Sunny Ade, crowned the King of Juju music in Nigeria, is -alas- a college dropout

some people drop out of college in a time of crisis, as did Douglas Campbell to become a flier in World War I

someone else who dropped out to follow his musical impulses

even british chicks named Anita who are fans of Wings and have brothers named Bev can be college dropouts. (let this be a lesson to YOU!) by the way, she seems to think her page counter has been up since November 1977.

last time, the exact phrase "I dropped out of college" produced 1312 matches on hotbot - how many will you get right now?

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On Vacation all the time!

page went up 11/12/96; latest revision 1/07/99

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