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The New and Improved Crazy Iowaboy Page
Volume 6, Issue 1
Hello everybody.  I know it has been a while since I have been on here (like anyone ever comes here), so here is an update.

Kelly and I are planning our wedding.  There are really no specifics yet, but there will be more to come. 

Work is going okay.  I moved back to graveyard shift last year and I just got done teaching a black jack class.  Interesting experience that I'll never have again.
Kelly and I at game 6 of the 2003 NLCS.
person to be beaten senseless with a toothbrush while sleeping.
You are the
You can write.
The blues is when you find your life is a stacked deck of cards.
-Cornelius Eady

Man kann viel sehn, wenn man zwei Augen hat und wenn man nicht blind ist und wenn die Sonne scheint.

Alban Berg from the Opera
Man can see well when he has two eyes, he isn't blind and when the sun is shining.