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        My last quarter is upon me. I can't say how glad I am to finally be getting done with school, at least for a while. Still undecided about graduate school though. But I'll cross that bridge when it's time. Rght now, I'm trying to concentrate on my classes, work part time, and do a full time job search. A lot of stuff in a day to concentrate on.

        I'm still working for Columbus Sports Publications. I'm doing a bit of everything these days. I'm still helping the sales department out a lot. Right now I'm calling Golf Resorts in the South and Western parts of the US and geting names and fax numbers for people who make advertising decisions. The big project I have coming up (once we get the equipment in) is going to be setting up a computer and database for the sales department. That's going to take quite a while to complete. I'm also doing as much as I can to help circulation out, and even doing little bits to help out the editorial staff. So I'm not stuck doing the same thing every day. That would get real boring real fast.

        The big news I have is I'm starting my job search now for after I graduate. I'm still set to graduate in June, so I'm starting now to see where I want to move in the country. My parents want me to stick with Ohio of course, but I have friends all over the country who are trying to influence me to move closer to them.

        Make sure you visit my other two pages, devoted to my favorite sports team and my favorite TV show.

        Visit My Indians Page
        Are You Being Served? My newest page - about the television show Are You Being Served? - a 1970s British Comedy Show

    Amy's Quote of the Day - Click on Random to see a quote!

          Click on the Following links to read more about:
          I'm Graduating!!!
            See a new pic of me!
            What's New!
            Sign my Guestbook
            Read a little more about me
            Read a little about my academic career
            Read about the current OSU Football Season
            My Country Music Page
            My Intern Experiences
            Look at my Photo Album
            Pictures of my Internet Friends
            Cool Links

  Send comments to amylaura@geocities.com  

Just a cautionary note: while on these pages:
Please keep your hands and arms inside the car at all times.
Once they're gone - they're gone for good!

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Last Update: August 23, 1998
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