a few short stories

Here are some short stories. I wrote them. Honest! I hope they're not too painful. The Surgeon General hasn't forced me to slap any warning labels on them yet, at least. They dropped the lawsuit against me, too. You can't prove anything! No one really knows how the toothbrush got stuck in there. Anyhow, each of these could probably use a few more revisions, so I'd really like to hear what you think of them.

* A Day In The Life
Of your ordinary everyday junior high school student
* Decades In A Day
Warning: this was written for my senior history seminar, in which the prof told us to "err on the side of creativity." If you're not careful, you might actually end up learning something.  =]
* The Encounter of Shipment A2tQv4
I never have liked this name. Let me know if you think of a better one.
* The Great Silverware War
Need more be said?
* Lunch
* Starting Over
Short but sour

Non Butterfly

I'm Eureka Lott and I believe in non-violence!

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Feedback? Please? Pretty please? I do want to hear what you think!

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