Well, whadda ya think?

Total: 4 guests

Name: Rebecca Friedman
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: mommy said the stork brought me
Time: 1997-03-30 20:33:00
Comments: Great to see some things never change! Beware, world. :)

Name: John Burris
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: I live I Defiance...no, really!
Time: 1997-03-26 15:17:00
Comments: Private!

Name: Fugazi
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: The beautiful red-bricked town of Oxford, the home of...ummm...no, can't say that anymore....ya know, i don't know what we are
Time: 1997-03-26 11:01:00
Comments: it's good to see you're still using your old name!

Name: khalid puthawala
Website: ...reggie mental...
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: you know me...
Time: 1997-03-25 10:35:00
Comments: i have yet to roam the page... i just thought i'd sign first and then go roam.. so i'll email you about what the low-down is.. KP

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