The DEAD group, consisting of (from left to right): Angie, Deborah, Dawn and Elizabeth. Juggle their initials and ...
A combination of (from left to right):Sadhana, Yujuan, Yining and Beatrice
The Boo-boo group, with a turtle as its trademark. Presenting, the Boo-boos (from left to right): Priscilla, Josephine, Shuyu and Gerui!
(from left to right)Priscilla, Yuanjun, Qianxi, Myo Li and Rongxuan. Haha, this was taken on the last day of school...Yuanjun's red-eyed and Qianxi's still trying very hard to hide her tears.. =)
(from top left to right)Deborah, Yuanjun, Priscilla, Weibin, Yihui, Qianxi. (from bottom left to right)Josephine, Valerie, Yining, Gerui, Elizabeth with Shuyu above her.
(from left to right) Zuanyi, Qianxi, and us, the two pagemakers: Myo Li and Yihui!!
The two pix above are kind of like class photos.. Figure out who the people are yourself...
(from left to right)Yuanjun, Valerie, Priscilla, Weibin, Yihui
(from left to right)Deborah, Yujuan, Elizabeth, Beatrice
(from left to right)Qianxi, Yining, Peiyu, Yeeyian, Deborah
These are our 1997 photos. We do have our Sec 3 class photos, and we'll scan them in as soon as we can. And one day, maybe we'll actually have a set of photos of us now.