Deep, deep in
the river . . .
in the
flow . . .
in the
mighty current . . .
realm of †he
real name is Alex VanBeelen. I'm 20 years old, and have been a Christian (which is by definition a born again Christian) since I was 13, with my "spiritual birthday" being August 11, 1990. God saved me from a life that was going nowhere, listening to crude and perverted music, stealing, and in rebellion to my parents and to God. In the midst of this I knew there was more, and when I went to Circle Square Ranch (Christian summer camp) in 1990, I noticed right away that there was something different about the people who worked there, and some of the other campers. I found out on August 11, 1990, that night, at a campfire, that Christianity wasn't what you were if your parents went to church; it wasn't a heritage deal, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It's not what you know, it's WHO you know. (Romans 10:9)
I've serving God in every way He's gifted me, as He provides the opportunity, though because of recent developments I haven't had too many opportunities. This past summer I volunteered at Shepherd's Gate Ministries in the inner-city of Youngstown, Ohio, in the good ol' USA (where precious few people know precious little about Canada)
In the past two years I've half-completed a B.A. Religion Youth Ministry major at Bethany Bible College in Sussex, New Brunswick, an hour away from my
home town. This fall I was expecting to go to Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, N.D. (where it's MUCH colder than where I live in Canada...), where I would have been taking youth ministry, adding a drama ministry minor to a slightly different, but essentially the same, degree. However, good ol' government of Canada looked at my parents' income and said "I don't think so..." Basically, I got no student loan at all, and now I'm back in my hometown of Saint John, New Brunswick, currently working for the city directory (I go door-to-door asking people who they are, where they work, and a few general questions like that...). I hope, once I get enough money to go back to College, to finish my last 2 years there, and then to minister to youth wherever God leads me, however if it was up to me it'd be in the inner-city...
calling (you can be called to do more than 1 thing in your life) that God has put in my heart is Christian hip-hop. I've been writing lyrics for almost 5 years now, though with Bible College my array of new material is lacking a bit... The vision I have for a group is summed up by the title: Holy Manifesto. I used to go by S.G. Crossjammer as a personal stage name, but at the 1996 Atlantic Youth Festival in Halifax (shouts out to all the Rock people--that's the name of the church there...) God spoke to me, almost audibly and told me to change it to †he Knigh†ligh†. I later developed it for computer use by finding
out about alt 0134 (that makes the "t" which is a cross: notice a normal t and the † in the name...t†t
So that is my testimony. God is good, all the time. Even when we're not good, He's always there to forgive those who truly repent (that means turn around; turn away from the sin you were doing) 1John 1:9...
So check out the different things on this page; I'll be adding stuff until all my 2 meg of space is used up (that's a lot for a free homepage, isn't it?) So here's a picture of me and how you can reach me via e-mail...
Click on my picture to e-mail me at 
So check this page out, it's got a few things you might find interesting. I hope you enjoy your visit. Be sure to sign the guestbook. God bless and have
a nice day!
Here's some links:
to other parts of my page...
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