Amanda's Home Page

Welcome one and all!!! Hello! Been busy, busy, busy! Great news is that I am finally pregnant. No pictures yet! Hopefully soon. Thanks for visiting.




I lead a pretty sane life. Nothing majorly exciting happens to me. I cherish the simple things like Family and Friends. My family is very important to me. My friends are the people that I share things with. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.

I would like to thank a website for all of the scrolling marquees and new mouse fireworks and colors. Lissa developed this website to help kids to design their own webpages well I am a kid at heart and I think this site is wonderful. You can learn a whole lot of stuff if you are as computer literate as I am. Her link is below!


This page is always under construction once I think of something else to write I will put it in. Thanks for your time!!!

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Page Updated 28 March 2008

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