Welcome to the Canonical Sailor Moon Drinking Game

Hello, and welcome to my humble little game. Yes, this is a drinking game, and no, I am not trying to bash Sailor Moon. I enjoy the series, though I wanted to make light of some things that may annoy us otherwise. This is a drinking game, though I tried to make it fun to read as well. I do not advocate drunkeness- in honor of the show's target audience I suggest drinking soda or something else non-alcaholic. The game is divided up by season, and extends beyond what has been shown on American TV. When it does, I refer to the characters by their original Japanese names- there is a name conversion chart included on those pages for your convenience. So, that's about all- go to the season you want and enjoy!!

Sailor Moon: the First Season
The Doom Tree Series
Sailor Moon, second season: After the Doom Tree
Sailor Moon S: The third season

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Sailor Moon is a Copyright © 1995 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha Ltd./Toei Animation Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. SAILOR MOON is a trademark of Toei Animation Co., Ltd. Used under license. The animated television series SAILOR MOON is produced by Toei Animation Co., Ltd., and is based on the comic series by Naoko Takeuchi, first published in Japan by Kodansha Ltd. English adaptation of the animated series created by DIC Productions, LP. © 1995 DIC Productions, LP.
This page is not intended to violate any of the above.