Hey, guess what? People have said stuff to me!! Come see!!!

HeatherJenn - 09/25/00 18:26:12
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~heatherjenn
My Email:heatherjenn@hotmail.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: Good for company...cats. Good for ambiance...birds. Good for dinner...fish. Good for nothing...dogs!
For Dinner?: I'm in college... RAMAN!!!!
Leisure Activity of Choice?: Not studying, Gator football, theatre!!!!!
Male or Female?: YES!!!
Sane or Insane?: Is this one of those "choose you're own adventure" book?
Music?: anything but country and/or western
Carrie *Carmel*, you're a weird person... I taught you well! If you want to learn way to much about science go visit my hunny @ www.homepages.go.com/~lucashundley. Keep up the good work. GO GATORS!!! *tee hee*

connie - 03/30/00 03:11:22
My URL:http://www.my.treeway.com/dollars
My Email:bharris@treeway.zzn.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: dogs
For Dinner?: for a snack
Leisure Activity of Choice?: sleeping
Sane or Insane?: undecided
Music?: classical c&w
the url is my husbands futile attempt at retiring early

- 02/01/00 23:28:10
My Email:Pahneez1@cs.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: yes
For Dinner?: rice
Male or Female?: female
Don't forget to add the 1 after my name on my e-mail address. Also if your thinking........ What kind of name is that? Well I'm Perisan. Anyways you say it like this.......Pah neez.

Chenaniah, Missus J., Carmel, Carrie - 09/27/99 13:59:53
My URL:You're here, see below!
My Email:zillah3@hotmail.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: any.
For Dinner?: Something my husband cooked.
Leisure Activity of Choice?: several.
Male or Female?: Female.
Sane or Insane?: questionable
Music?: of course
This is the only way I can announce on this page that the page will be moving. Please check out: http://homepages.msn.com/Arcade/zillah3 . Eventually the entire thing will go there, and this page will be deleted when Geocities decides- The reason it is moving is because I can't get in to edit or even delete it myself due to the stupid merger. Hope ully msn.com will be better, even though it's Microsoft!! Anyway, sorry for any trouble, and please update your bookmarks. Banners will be changed soon.

Zakariya - 09/03/99 00:10:58
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: Yes.
For Dinner?: Fish (dogs are bland.) :P
Leisure Activity of Choice?: Not going around awake
Male or Female?: Male
Sane or Insane?: Sane?
Music?: Gustav Holst shall rule the world
:) I'm silly. Silly willy nilly.

The future - 06/29/99 14:31:15
My URL:http://Heavenz.aol.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: all
For Dinner?: food
Leisure Activity of Choice?: Dancing , Raving , booty shaking Miami in da house
Male or Female?: Female
Sane or Insane?: Sane
Life seems long , but it's not you never know whats comeing till you get to that point , so live life to the fullest!!!! And be happy while you can ,, :o) <(~~I LOVE CLARENCE~~)> AND CLARENCE LOVES ME~~)>

- 06/22/99 06:19:22
My URL:/Tokyo/Harbor/9806
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: Dogs
Male or Female?: Female
Sane or Insane?: bit of both
Great site i thought it was really good

- 06/15/99 02:00:26
Male or Female?: female
Sane or Insane?: moonie, decide for yourself
Ami and Amy are not pronounced the same.

Elisabeth "Lisa" Chipman - 06/13/99 06:28:38
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/EAChipman/
My Email:eac8423@garnet.acns.fsu.edu
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: Cats
For Dinner?: Pizza
Leisure Activity of Choice?: Reading
Male or Female?: I'm female, but if you're asking my preferences, male. :)
Sane or Insane?: Sane
Music?: Instrumentals (lots of soundtracks)
It's just your MFG 1107 buddy dropping in to say hi!

- 06/10/99 16:31:31
My Email:bambam4725@aol.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: dog
For Dinner?: anything eddible
Leisure Activity of Choice?: football
Male or Female?: male
Sane or Insane?: sane, kinda
Music?: ever day
just sayin i like ur page!!!!

ok - 01/02/99 03:36:16
My URL:http://www.com
My Email:dont@have.one
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: yes
For Dinner?: which one?
Leisure Activity of Choice?: hey now!!! That's none of your business
Male or Female?: both
Sane or Insane?: okay
Music?: yes

10/13/98 08:26:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/08/98 09:43:33
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Keith McAliley - 09/02/98 02:22:40
My Email:keithmc@ibm.net
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: I breed my own champion Palominos, but I also enjoy the company of my purebred border collie, Bob
For Dinner?: A lovely filet mignon, lightly broiled in a white wine sauce, with a side of potatoes au gratin and cherries jubilee for dessert. Don't forget the strolling violin.
Leisure Activity of Choice?: Lying on guestbook questionaires. And nude hangliding.
Male or Female?: Why, yes, of course.
Sane or Insane?: I don't know yet. I'll tell the next time that my 9-foot rabbit friend appears to me...
Music?: Why thank you, I'll have some. Put it over there next to the science and the literature...
Nice page. People at the Wesley Foundation are always so cool. Must be the architecture.

I don't know - 07/27/98 03:55:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/launchpad/9790
My Email:alelipe@yahoo.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: Snake,Dog. My girld friend
For Dinner?: Frijoles, Hamburger, and some dog to
Leisure Activity of Choice?: No idea
Male or Female?: Male
Sane or Insane?: hum?
Music?: Classic, and opera
Well, why i'm here? I have no idea But you look like a cool person. My name is Andres and i'm from colombia (south america) i can't belive it, exist people who don't know were is colombia, i hope you know it. Well bye..

- 12/17/97 18:00:26
My Email:jason_zink@harvard.edu
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: no
Hey Carmel! I thought you might like getting some mail! Have a blessed Christmas and may God be gracious to you during this season of Advent! In Christ, jason :)

Vallen Tucker - 11/26/97 21:43:44
My Email:Vallentucker@Juno.com
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: Rascal
Leisure Activity of Choice?: Teching Shows
Male or Female?: Male
Sane or Insane?: Insane
Music?: All except country and Marylin Manson
Cool Web Page!!!

Carmel - 11/25/97 19:27:02
My URL:http://www. duh/you're/~here.com
My Email:tucker_c@cmr.fsu.edu
Cats, Dogs, Birds, or Fish?: all good...
For Dinner?: only the birds and fish
Leisure Activity of Choice?: read, sleep, play games, music, eat, sleep, talk
Male or Female?: most definitely female
Sane or Insane?: questionable.
Music?: all the time!!!
Welcome to my patch of insanity. Care to pull up a tile??

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