I am the Keeper of the Hub

Hello!!! Welcome to my humble little page- which has grown to an extent that it must be called the Hub. Here I attempt to share things I like with others... wait, that's what the Internet it for. Oh, well. I try. I also resist the urge to learn how to program frames, Hence the "Hub" structure of the site. When not performing upkeep my major vocation is getting an education from Florida State University. The one in Tallahassee. You know, the Seminoles. NOT the OTHER school . But at any rate, I've been here for almost four years now, and am learning a lot. I am a Music Therapy major here, and my main instrument is voice, though I also play the piano, guitar, and handbells. I also take a lot of psych classes, so I have interesting things to discuss with my husband at night. Yes, husband. On December 19, 1998 I married the man of my dreams, cHris. Maybe someday I will put up a picture, in the meantime go see him here and marvel at the game collection. We attend Killearn Lakes United Methodist Church here in Tallahassee, and cHris plays in their praise band, Stephanos. I don't get to do as much (too much homework) but I hope to someday. cHris and I also enjoy anime (Japanese animation). Our favorites include Ranma 1/2, Robotech/Macross, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. He also likes Dragonball, and I like Sailor Moon. It's also about time for a picture, so here's another from Sailor Moon.

of course... well, it's about time for me to shuffle off to other parts, and you probably should as well. Time to surf on!!! Here- have some places to go!! Have fun!!

This is the FSU Wesley Homepage

A totally AWESOME place- The 80's Server... :)

A New and interesting cartoon page

Cartoon Network

Just found this family, they have a lot of cool links and search options. I'm impressed...

Back to the center of the Hub

What?? you're still here?? That must mean that you really, really, really, really, really like me!! :) In that case, I'd REALLY like it if you would WRITE ME - I really like that. Thanks and God bless!!!! Arrivederci!!

Carmel "Carrie" Johnson

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