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Inspirational Writings by Sorors & Guests


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by ReneeKP

Sweep around your own front door
Before you try to sweep around mine
Have you forgotten where you’ve come from
Or where you have been
Have you also forgotten that you too have sinned
So strange how we become more holier than thou
Pointing the finger at others and judging people now
So quick to cast that very first stone
While still livin’ in that mighty glass house
So eager to criticize
As a bone flies out your mouth!

Got the nerve to call yourself family or friend
Helping me find my way out of sin?
Look at you sweeping your sins under the rug
Hoping don’t nobody discover the things that you’ve done.
Tryin’ to tell me how I should live my life
But the question is my brother,
Are you living your life right?
So ashamed of the things that I continue to do
What’s the matter - are you scared I will embarrass you?

I ain’t mad at you though
I’m just shakin’ my head
Cause I know them skeletons in your closet
Gonna raise the dead.
Come judgment day
We will all answer in time
You will answer for your sins
As I will answer for mine
I hope sweet Jesus in Heaven
Is not as critical as you
And just maybe He will forgive the things that I do

Sweep around your own front door
And maybe you’ll see
That you are not so different from me.
We are all in need of a little prayer, now and then
Cause Lord knows ain’t none of us free from sin
I ain’t mad at you though
I’m just skakin’ my head
Cause I know one day you will understand

Is your house clean yet - if so let me know!

İFebruary 1998

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By Libya BaaQar

It is you my sister that I have come to know.
It is you my sister who has grown so close.
What spirit of goodness do you contain?
How talented you are,
Baring no shame.
I am mesmerized by the intellect of your mind.
You are a community helper,
A gift to mankind.
So to you my sister
I gratefully stand back.
It's the Delta in you
That has everyone tilting their hats.

İMarch 17, 1998

 To learn more about Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the black sorority
movement please read:

In Search of Sisterhood ** Paula Giddings
Sermons by Sorors ** Arlene H. Young, Ed

Please remember all copyright enfringement laws when copying posted writings.

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