Ryan Olson
My blog
Daily Mining Gazette
Chico Enterprise-Record
After being a faithful Geocities user for 7 years, I've moved to a new site
-- RTOmedia.com.

Yahoo! Geocities service deleted my Web site after sending an e-mail saying I would have time to update the page.

They sent me a message recommending that I update my Web site in the next 30 days or face deletion. My Web site of 7 years was deleted after 20 days. E-mails to customer support didn't yield a sufficient answer -- they were unable to tell me why my site was deleted after just 20 days, just how to start over. Bah.
My personal 'blog is now at my.rtomedia.com

Oh, well. What can you do?
To see my interests and hobbies, check out my blog at my.RTOmedia.com See you there.