Fork's HomePage

Luca Forcucci's Home Page

Be patient I'm studying hard, so my Page will not be decent until, at least, the 25th of February 1997! During this time I will manage to collecting some interesting LINKS to put them on my Page. In a few days I will provide some personal information to let you know me a little bit deeper. If you are interested in Audio stuff I have got a neighbour, unx , who has got a lot of experience in troubleshooting of audio equipment and in projecting.

I am a male student in engeneering specializing in telecomunication and network comunication in general. I am 25 years old, I like music and I play the piano. I had been a pole jumper for some time and I still love very much to have a sport activity of any kind. I am quite new to the web even if I got quite a long experience over the internet, and it is because at University I have never had an access to this resource. My knowledge about the internet grew around Telnet and Ftp applications! I speak a very bad english but I do not have any better way to comunicate with people who do not speak Italian.

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