Hathaway Lady Hornets

Player Profiles

In Memory

Team Picture

98-99 Schedule

About the Coach

Basketball Links


As the Athletic Director and Women's Basketball Coach at ...

Hathaway High School

Hathaway, Louisiana,

I would like to welcome you to our Home Page.


Winner of the SWISH Award © 1996

Season Updates: (April 28, 1999)

The Lady Hornet tracksters had a great regional showing. We again dominated the field events with first place finishes in the High Jump(Brandi Landry), Javelin(Rebecca Chaisson), and Discus(Jessica Chaisson). We also had second place finishes in the Long Jump(Brandi Landry), and Hurdles(Saige Landry). A third place finish in the Triple Jump(Brandi Landry)rounded out the scoring.

All four of these girls will compete in the State Meet on April 28, at the Bernie T. Moore Stadium on the campus of LSU in Baton Rouge.

Congratulations to Brandi Landry for again being named outstanding field participant for her efforts.

Coach's Corner

My Name is Matthew Fontenot. I would like to communicate with other Basketball Coaches. Please contact me if you are interested.
It can be about anything!

Click here to send me E-mail.

 Sixth Grade Social Studies Projects

My sixth grade social studies class has talked me into including them on the web. They would like to show off their projects. Click on the following to view them.
Class Picture

Egyptian Drawings

Viking Drawings

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