Hi! Welcome to everybody and thanks for visiting my first homepage.
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Here you will find

Qui troverete

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My homepage should be available in the following three languages:

English Flag English (Even if you cannot recognise it, you are still there!!!)

Italian Flag Italian (This is the language that I prefer and I can obviously speak better...)

German Flag German (Well... It's hard to learn and to speak, but it's a nice language)

I don't remember very well the French, so I am sorry with the french speaking people. Anyway I promise that as soon as possible (I would like to revise soon my knowledges about that language) I will allow also them to laugh about my mistrakes.

Who I am

My name is Michele and I am from Italy. I live in a small town called Osimo, that is near the Adriatic Coast in the province of Ancona. I am 23 years old (neither too old... nor too young...), and, although my name abroad sounds female, I am a (nice!) boy. My life is quite complex, so if you want to know me more deeply (that could be a good start to meet a new friend... Who knows?), you can go on with the following link.

The deep analysis of Michele's complex life

My curriculum of study and my experiences

I have been attending the University of Ancona for 4 years and I'm going to take soon a degree in Business. My university is not famous all over the world, but it's not bad. As a matter of fact several famous professors here in Italy (and sometimes well-known also abroad) taught here in Ancona. The classes and the exams are very difficult, but I think this is more an advantage for my future than a bad thing... Surely I would like to have more free time to enjoy myself, but the education is one of the most important basis for the success in your life. I don't want to say anything more about my university, but I give you the possibility to visit its Web Site by following the link below.

Università degli Studi di Ancona

Last year I did the ERASMUS programme of the EU and I went to study for a year to the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft in Pforzheim (Germany). ERASMUS is an exchange program among universities that allows you to attend your classes for six months or a year in a foreign institution and collect at the end an extra-certificate. I suggest you to do an exchange program, and if you want I can tell you what I did there.

My ERASMUS experience in Germany

The author of this page is Michele Morichi.

If you want you can Email me (I would appreciate that!!!) for everything you need or just to correspond.
My email address is: mormic@imar.net

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