Hi! Welcome to everybody and thanks for visiting my first homepage.
to now this is the number of people that I have to thank for having come here:
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My homepage should be available in the following three languages:
English (Even if you cannot recognise it, you are still there!!!)
Italian (This is the language that I prefer and I can obviously speak better...)
German (Well... It's hard to learn and to speak, but it's a nice language)
I don't remember very well the French, so I am sorry with the french speaking people. Anyway I promise that as soon as possible (I would like to revise soon my knowledges about that language) I will allow also them to laugh about my mistrakes.
My name is Michele and I am from Italy. I live in a small town called Osimo,
that is near the Adriatic Coast in the province of Ancona. I am 23 years old
(neither too old... nor too young...), and, although my name abroad sounds
female, I am a (nice!) boy. My life is quite complex, so if you want to know me
more deeply (that could be a good start to meet a new friend... Who knows?), you
can go on with the following link.
I have been attending the University of Ancona for 4 years and I'm going to
take soon a degree in Business. My university is not famous all over the world,
but it's not bad. As a matter of fact several famous professors here in Italy
(and sometimes well-known also abroad) taught here in Ancona. The classes and
the exams are very difficult, but I think this is more an advantage for my
future than a bad thing... Surely I would like to have more free time to enjoy
myself, but the education is one of the most important basis for the success in
your life. I don't want to say anything more about my university, but I give you
the possibility to visit its Web Site by following the link below.
Last year I did the ERASMUS programme of the EU and I went to study for a
year to the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft in Pforzheim (Germany). ERASMUS
is an exchange program among universities that allows you to attend your classes
for six months or a year in a foreign institution and collect at the end an
extra-certificate. I suggest you to do an exchange program, and if you want I
can tell you what I did there.