Welcome to my homepage!!!!! I don't know how you bump into my homepage,
but don't are more than welcome to surf around and check out
what this webpage on...knock youself out:)
First thing first, My name is Scott
Chen and this is a little something I put together during my "free" time.
I don't have free time any more, so it has been a long time since I updated this website. Sorry most things on here are outdated. I will try my hardest to update it as much as I could, so please bear with me! I am currently a graduate student at Texas A&M University pursuing a Master of Engineering degree in Engineering. Go ahead, look around, see what you can find about me that you probably might not have known!
if you want to be cool like everybody else who already did :) Please use the links on the lower-left of your screen
Hey Y'all!!! Click here
To view my Adoption Home Page !!!!
For those who would like
to know the Top Ten Reasons why I made this homepage, click here.
I got it for free at
Last Updated: 7/11/2003
11:16 pm CDT. by Scott Chen, a.k.a. Stardustag
This webpage was created on October 13, 1996, at 1:00pm.