Here we shall stay with our books
and our music and our meditations,
conserving the frail elegancies of a dying age,
and seeking such wisdom
as men will need when their passions are all spent.
We have a heritage to cherish
and bequeath.

Browse my homepage ( last updated on 20 Aug. 2003)
A Brief History
Our Government
Our Language
Our People
BHUTAN -Climate
Our Food
Bhutan in Pictures
Books on Bhutan

BHUTAN -For Travellers
Our Festivals
Getting to Bhutan
Accomodation in Bhutan
Our Money
Our Economy
Going Around Bhutan
Places to Visit
Thimphu -CapitalCity
Who am I?
Pics of Paro Trip
Pics in Japan
Pics in Australia
Friends' Pictures
Get some laugh!
Pics of Co-participants
Links to pages on Bhutan
Official Pages
Bhutan Telecom
Druknet - ISP
Kuensel -News
RIM Homepage
Education Dept.
DIT Homepage
BTNIC Homepage
MOA Homepage
CDB Homepage
UNDP Bhutan
SNV Bhutan
Druk Air
BBS News

Personal/Private Pages
Thinley's Page
Druk Recipes
Phuntsho's Page Page
Infotech's Homepage
Nima's Page
C. Derham's Photos
Shangrila Food
eDruk Homepage
eDruk Bhutanese eCards
BSA Thailand
Climbing Gangkarpinsum
Virtual Museum

Travel-related Pages
Dept. of Tourism
Last Shangrila
Yu-Druk Tours & Treks
Ethometho Tours
Bhutan Travel Bureau
Bhutan Travel Service
Chhundu Tours
Ezekiel Tours
Sophun Tours
Wangchuk Tours
Taktsang Tours
BTCL Homepage
Yarkay Tours

Useful or Fun Links
My cool links
How things work -good!
Online Dictionaries
Getaway Travel
Asian Models
Cur'cy Converter
BBC News
chucklesofchoice -Jokes
Fantastic Electrical/Computer Links
N.S. Design
IEAust Online
Wyle Tech. docs
Farnell (supplier)
Ask an Expert
Good Links by EA!

Intel Developer
Microwave Info
ITU (Telecom Union)
Car Audio

Electrical Links
IEEE Homepage
Modem Page
V.90 Modem
Electric Vehicle

Contact Me
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Brief Introduction

Thank you for visiting TCD'S Bhutan Page. This is an unofficial homepage providing information about Bhutan.

The purpose of this homepage is to serve as a source of information on Bhutan because many people do not know much about Bhutan; and it is little bit hard for them to get information on Bhutan when they need it.

I have posted a lot details on Bhutan on this homepage which you can see under the 'Browse my Homepage' section. Besides that, I have also provided a lot of links to useful sites on Bhutan. You will find these links informative as well.

If you are surfing just for fun, look at my jokes, quotes or visit my cool links.

Visit again. But till then, have fun!