Inter-College Singing Contest '97

General Information 

The Inter-College Singing Contest 97' (ICSC) is the greatest inter-college function in 1997. This rare function is jointly organised by Music Club or Society by CityU, HKBU, HKSYC, HKTC(TY), LC, CUHK, PUHK, HKUST & HKU. The ICSC is held annually since 1991. Each year, we have the honor to have the winners from respective singing contests of 9 colleges to our contestants. It does mean to be an EVENT of TOPS!!! 


The aims of this function are to explore students' potential is singing, to cultivate the interest of music and to promote inter-college communication and friendship. It si an attempt to continue the past efforts in encouraging inter-college exchange of music. In addition, it is going to provide an opportunity for students and the general public to enjoy the orginal and creative music performance which is performed by the college students in order to explore their talent and innovation in music. 

ICSC Further Informations

Venue : AC Hall, Hong Kong Baptist University
Time : 19:00 to 22:00 on 28 March, 1997 
Ticket fee : $65, $45
Period of ticket selling : available in music club on each college
Guest : Gigi Leung

Judges : 鍾志榮, 黃祖輝, 陳德健 Era EMI Limited (EEI)

No. of contestants : One Solo & One Group for each college (Totally 9 for Solo & 9 for Group)
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The winner of this contest :
Solo : The First : 林一峰 (城大) 暗湧,
the second : 梁素珊 (理大) 告別戀曲,
the third : 陳銳銘 (中大) 恨情歌.
The Group :
The first : Alan Kwan, Finson Chan (港大) 難為正邪定分界,
the second : 游達輝,陳狄聰(理大) 一生不再說別離,
the third : Johnny, Terence, George, 阿偉 (城大)改變所有的錯.

ICSC's sponsorSpecialised Outlet for Textwood Apple Products   Era EMI   Cali   
Anknowledgment : Hsin Chong - K N Godfrey Yeh Education Fund, Capital Graphic Arts Co. 

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This page last updated on 29 March 1997 Copyright © 1997 by David Leung