Once upon a time... In the hallowed hills of Indiana, where Bob Knight is often seen pacing the sidelines and large herds of sorority girls roam freely, a group of young wholesome, milk drinking boys fell into company with one another. On the campus of Indiana University they congregated and took up residence on the fifth floor of the Curry wing of Read Hall and the Elite Curry 5 Circle was born.
At I.U. these boys grew into men with an appreciation for the finer things in life: I.U. basketball, beer, women, and an occasional farm animal. Sometimes, despite intense efforts to avoid it, a text book accidentally fell open and bits and pieces of information leaked into the impressionable young brains of the E.C.5.C.. And, every once in a while, while searching for ice, coolers, or scraps of left over pizza crusts, these fellows stumbled into a lecture, lab, or ditch (the first of these two were later attributed to the eventual graduation of the E.C.5.C.).
Also included in the original ranks of the E.C.5.C. are a few females who lived in the Landes wing of Read Hall. Poor judgment, low standards, and a need for constant entertainment (and who isn't entertained by the "pull my finger" joke?) drew them into the Curry 5 crowd. Participation in several 12 step programs have not helped them to break free of the phenomenally strong grasp of the group.
Over the years, the Elite Curry 5 Circle has grown. The membership now includes spouses who are far more charming, intelligent, and hygienically oriented than the people they married. Also, some members are experimenting with chemistry, phrenology, and alchemy and have successfully produced offspring who will carry on the traditions of the E.C.5.C..