...But First, A Poem ...

Death and the Old Man

The air grows cold
And I feel old
As the journey to the end
The limbs feel weak
And I can't speak
I need to repent of my
The eyes get dim,
Lost all my vim
And Death slowly begins to
Win . . .
Why should I fight?
I can't deny it
Nor explain it
All away.
Lie here and wait
Upon my fate . . .
I'm going to
Die today.
Kevorkian, Kevorkian,
Don't need Kevorkian,
Doing just great on my own.
Kevorkian, Shamorkian!
Who needs Kevorkian!
"Eliz'beth, I'm coming home!"

Breathing . . . shallow . . .
Life's tallow . . . burns short . . .
Heart . . . weakening . . . weakening . . .

Loved Ones speaking . . .
Can't hear . . .
Glad I'm not alone . . .
Not scared . . . 90 years
More than enough . . . no tears,
Don't cry . . . Son . . . Don't cry . . .
We'll meet again on the
Sweet By-and-By . . .
Eyes close . . . Thoughts . . .no more . . .
Pen falling . . . from . . . my . . .
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hAND!
SEE . . . you agAin, mI . . . lovers
And . . . FrienDS . . . See U . . . 
In . . . Beulah LAnd!!....

© copyright 1996

Talk About A Downer!!!

Anyway, if you attend college, there is not enough time to be down.
Unless, of course, you're in the "Newt For Soul Train Host!" Club :->
Even then, there are so many things on tap that a person can go plumb balmy!
Take me, for example. . .

I just finished registering for the Spring 1997 semester Jan. 21 and I'm
already tired.