Yo all you misplaced, homesick and websurfin island people out there!
This is my personal list of we students from the Commonwealth of
the Bahamas.
It lists island folk from Canada to England to Florida, all tryin ta get
piece a ejamakashun. You might see someone you know, but das de point,
Les go naw!
Some addresses may be outdated because the person may have graduated
or changed schools.
1.) Zenovia Adderly (Nassau) - za01@student.cau.eduDo you see anyone you know? If you do, drop em a line.
Computer Information Systems2.) Christopher Albury - caalbury@eos.ncsu.edu
North Carolina State University3.) Delon Brennen - dfb119@psu.edu
Penn State University4.) Selima Campbell (Nassau) - SCampb8126@aol.com
Tuskegee University5.) Tanya Chase - chase95@acd.tusk.edu
Veterinary Medicine- Tuskegee University6.) Chris Dean - deanchri@mailserv1.ferris.edu
7.) Jermaine Colebrook (Nassau) - jcole@osuunx.ucc.okstate.edu
Architecture- Oklahoma State University8.) Everette Evans (Nassau) - seevans@pine.shu.ac.uk
9.) Monique Frazier (Andros) - baltzm@ext.missouri.edu
Columbia College10.) Robert Garraway (Nassau) - rgarraw@uncc.edu
University of North Carolina, Charlotte11.) Dion Gibson (Nassau) - NY953692@pacevm.dac.pace.edu
Pace University12.) Vanessa Gibson (Nassau) - vgibson@alpha.utampa.edu
Accounting- University of Tampa13.) Donald Glass (Freeport) - dglass@sas.upenn.edu
Chemistry Pre-med - University of Pennsylvania14.) Leevant Glass (Freeport) - lglass@pvcea.pvamu.edu
Computer Science- Prairie View A&M University15.) Crystal Horton (Nassau) - gs01cih@panther.gsu.edu
Computer Information Systems- Georgia state University16.) Eduardo Humes (Nassau)Old - ehumes@is.dal.ca
Dalhousie University17.) Marcia Hutchinson (Nassau) - gs02mah@panther.gsu.edu
Finance- Georgia State University18.) Racquel Hutchinson (Nassau) - hutchinson@acavax.lynchburg.edu
Psychology- Lynchburg College19.) Carla Johnson (Freeport) - cjojns1@tiger.lsu.edu
Louisiana State University20.) Uvalda Jordan - ujordan@is.dal.ca
Economics- Dalhousie University21.) Brent Knowles (Nassau) - knowles@fisher.stats.uwo.ca
Math and Statistics- University of Western Ontario22.) Craig Knowles (Nassau) - wcknowle@pine.shu.ac.uk
23.) Henry Knowles - knowlehe@martin.luther.edu
24.) Perpetua Knowles (Long Island) - pknowles@mustang.uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario25.) Rudi Knowles (Freeport) - rdknowle@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu
Valdosta State University26.) Monique Major (Nassau) - mmajor@acs.ryerson.ca
27.) Deandrea Neely (Nassau) - 2552206@stats.uwo.ca
Statistics- University of Western Ontario28.) Kijana Rolle (Nassau)Old - krolle@julian.uwo.ca
Actuarial Science- University of Western Ontario29.) Terrilyn Rolle (Nassau) - gs01tmr@panther.gsu.edu
Geography- Georgia State University30.) Eric Rose (Nassau) - er04@student.cau.edu
Journalism/Mass Communications- Clark Atlanta University
31.) Omar Russell (Freeport) - Russello@platte.unk.edu
University of Nebraska at Kearney32.) Andrea Singleton - asinglet@mustang.uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario33.) Shuree Smith(Nassau) - sasmith@rs01.kings.edu
Kings College34.) Eddie Thompson (Nassau) - ethomp@Acd.Tusk.Edu
Tuskegee University35.) Sherrilee Thompson (Nassau) - thompso5@Acd.Tusk.Edu
Tuskegee University36.) Sean Tihal (Nassau) - tihasea@charlie.acc.iit.edu
If any information included here is incorrect or if you know of
information and people, feel free to let me know.
You can e-mail Juan at Comments.
Bang here to go to Juan's
This page last updated on 5/6/96.