I reside in Northern Crawford County in a nice home with my lovely wife and 2 boys. To get in touch with me simply watch the above banner and send me an email or instant message when the option appears.
You may be curious what N3PBQ stands for. That is the callsign issued by the FCC that allows me to transmit on several frequencies around the world. My purpose for having a radio license is to assist the public in times of need. It has also grown to be a great hobby for me.
It isn't difficult to become a member of the amateur radio community. In fact, the FCC has made it even easier for anyone to get a license. I, myself, was licensed when I was 16 and my sister became licensed at a very young age. So, age isn't a factor at all, in fact many of the amateur radio community are senior citizens looking for something to do in the spare time they have. By The Way, You don't have to learn morse code to
become a radio operator...and if you do want to learn the
code language then you'll be allowed to talk on more frequencies.
taking an exam?
I'm a member of the Crawford Amateur Radio Society and they have a website at www.w3mie.org I also help manage the webpage and they have a nightly net on 145.13 at 9pm (except on meetings nights and holidays)
You can visit my family photo webpage..
click here
See the latest seismograph recorded with the Geoscience Department's AS1 vertical seismometer.
Penn State model railroad page
Brian Zimmerman's Earthquake homepage in Edinboro, PA
American Red Cross Disaster Services
Dayton Hamvention
Bill Pasternak's Newsline homepage (WA6ITF)
Ham Radio Online Magazine
The ARRL: our voice in government
ARAS Official Canadian Callbook
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SAREX-Shuttle Amateur radio Exp.
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Last modified: Sepetember 27, 2008