History of the Alabama District of CKI

[ Past Governors of the Alabama District ][ Past International Officers from the Alabama District ]
The Alabama District of Circle K International was officially  organized as the seventh district of CKI on June 30, 1958.   John Hoyt Blalock, who would later be elected the first Circle K  International President from Alabama, chaired the organizational  meeting at Snead College in Boaz.  Attending the conference were  representatives from all five clubs organized in Alabama at the  time - Auburn University, Southern Union State Junior College,  the University of Alabama, the University of North Alabama, and  Walker College.  At this meeting, Paul Osbourne, Jr. of Walker  College was elected the first governor of the Alabama District  of Circle K.
In 1954, the University of Alabama was the first club built in  the Alabama District and the 72nd club organized in Circle K  International.  About a year-and-a-half later, Auburn University's  club was organized.  In 1955, all clubs throughout CKI were  required to refile with Kiwanis International for a new charter  due to the approval of the new international structure.  Due to  the restructuring, the Auburn University Circle K Club became the  first club chartered in the Alabama District on April 9, 1957.
More will be added as information becomes available.
Last Updated:  July 24, 1997.
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