Welcome to GEORGE SKORDIAS's homepage

-Construction sign-This page is not so frequently updated, but is currently under review and reconstruction.
First Created: November 5th, 1996
-Greek Flag-Last updated: March 20th, 2005 -Greek Flag-

Hi, I'm George but you may know me by my nickname 'Wisdom' which I had been using when I was younger in IRC and in NTUA's HomeComing (a talker located at National Technical University of Athens, Greece).

This page has been set mainly as a reference point for my friends on Internet, therefore it's not a fancy masterpiece. I'm not an HTML expert anyway!

-go to Gallery Section to view this picture in normal size-From January 1997 till October  1998 I was a Hellenic Navy soldier (seaman) and, therefore, I had neglected this page. 


Follow my links and...

Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs an official governmental site
Greek National Tourist Organisation and Tourist Guide of Greece
goGreece.com the Internet guide to Greece
HellasWeb.com the Hellenic CyberSpace Surfboard
Hellas Home Page one of the pioneer Internet sites of Greek interest
Hellenic Resources Network by the Hellenic Resources Institute
NTUA Online Weather Report a real-time and detailed weather report (Athens)


The London School of Economics and Political Science MSc (Econ) in Marine Policy, London, 1995-1996
University of Macedonia Ptychion (BSc) in Business Administration, Thessaloniki, 1990-1994


In case you didn't take my advice and haven't visited AEK homepage yet, (AEK=Athlitiki Enosis Konstantinoupoleos i.e., Athletic Union of Constantinople, based in Athens), do it now . Learn about its glorious history, read the FAQ page, visit the football (soccer), basketball and volleyball sections and experience its fans' passion and devotion. Now you know why my lousy page is yellow and black!





-Email me-For suggestions and comments you can contact me at: skordias@yahoo.com

-Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs--AEK Web Site--University of Macedonia--The London School of Economics--NTUA's HomeComing-

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