My Favorite 24 Quotes and Beliefs last modified on 7/17/01:

1. "You can't make something your destiny, but you can sure make it so that something isn't your destiny." - Dewey Chi
2. Those who don't learn from the past, are destined to make the same mistakes.
3. Nothing risked, nothing gained. -Jenny Nugent
4. Revenge is not a long term solution to anything.
5. If you can't trust your gut instinct, what can you trust?
6. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.
7. What is the point of playing if you are going to play it safe?
8. You learn more from your mistakes than from other people's mistakes.
9. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
10. Anything that doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, unless it weakens you to the point where something else kills you.
11. Those who bring out the best in you, can also bring out the worst in you.
12. Play to win instead of playing not to lose.
13. Friends come and go. Enemies just accumulate.
14. Sacrifice is what people remember.
15. "You know what that was? A missed opportunity. Miss enough of those and there goes the ball game." -Dan Rydell of Sports Night
16. The truth is out there.
17. Be a finisher. -Coach Gene Victor
18. That's the only way to live life: all heart, a little fear, and no regret. -Dave Kim
19. "Be brave and don't look back." -Anakin's mother
20. "In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice so others could reach for the stars." -Apollo Missions Plaque
21. "Ok gentlemen, you're our warriors up there. God be with you. You're already heroes. Just sit back and enjoy the ride." -Truman from Armageddon
22. Life is all about two for ones.
23. "He will bring balance to the force." -Yoda
24. Heart and determination can make up for a lack of talent.

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