As many of you know, I took a job with Baxter Healthcare located in Deerfield IL (Chicago) the July after graduation, and I've really enjoyed it. I spent almost a full year working in Deerfield before being transfered for 10 months to their office in Dublin Ireland! Now that was an amazing experience...I highly recommend going to work overseas for anyone who possibly can! I moved back to Deerfield in April of 2002 and found the adjustment back to life in the States fairly easy....only to be offered another overseas position! I took the position, and have been living in Brussels Belgium, the capital of the European Union, since April of 2003! My first role in Belgium has come to an end after almost 2 years due to restructuring. While searching out a new position (and almost accepting a position back in Chicago) I was offered a great opportunity to stay here in Europe! I will continue to live in Brussels, but I will be working no longer with Actuals, Budgets and Forecasts but will be working in a Project Management role at the total Europe level. This will be for 6 months (April - September) with a possibility to expand longer if I choose! I am really excited about this opportunity - it should be a great learning experience for me!!
I have decided to try a new means of communication on the Internet! I have recently started my first Web Blog! Hopefully I will find the time to update it on a fairly regular basis - just what you've always wanted, I am sure - my rambling on and on about random subject! Check it out -
My family keeps growing and changing almost as fast as I can move to a new country! October 2003 saw the arrival of my niece, Megan Marie who joins her big brother Andrew in creating mischief! Here is a picture of the two taken while on vacation in Florida a year ago (will seach for an updated picture)!
I have not been writing much recently.....have had neither the time nor the inspiration. I am still doing lyrics though whenever I can find the time to sharpen my skills...drives my friends & sisters nuts when I start singing a song they know and then I change all of the lyrics to something different that is on my mind. In the meantime, check out my Song of the Day page for the most recent mood / event describing songs!
Well, I have been travelling some again. I have recently gone back to Dublin for a visit to see all of my old haunts. Walked into the International Bar and the bar tender did a double take and said "Hey Stranger! Where have you been hiding?" Needless to say I informed him that I had been living in America and Belgium for the past two years and he could not believe that it had been that long! Here are some of my favorite places in Dublin to have a Guinness - Dublin Watering Holes
I am constantly being badgered for new pictures, so I will post the last few trips out on the site for a while - I've finished a few pages but keep checking back for the others - I fell a bit behind during the Budget Season last year and I am just now starting to catch up!
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