"I look back over the few short months since our union of kindred hears and
minds was brother forth. The offspring of love and good intent!. . .Many
difficulties will beset our path, but like David we must go forth alone to
fight the Philistines, and like him we will conquer and shall be the best of
old Miami's sons.
But in order to become so, we each and every one must struggle upward and onward. Let us strive to be rich and great, not in lands and money, not with the vulgar throng, but rich in mental worth, great among the intellectual. . .and good, that `thy spirit shall come at times to the dreams of men to settle peace within their souls.' Let us spare no labor, nor be sparing of toil. Let us give our whole strength to the work, and endeavor to fill with honor the place where we are."
Lockwood concluded his thoughts on that January evening with these prophetic words:
Benjamin Piatt Runkle was 18 years old when Sigma Chi was
founded and was, perhaps, the most rebellious of the seven, noted by his
adamant stance when confronted by the Deke alumni. He, along with Lockwood,
designed the badge: ``Its selection grew from an admiration of its meaning."
After graduation, he served nobly in the Civil War; he volunteered for service
and quickly became Major General. At the battle of Shiloh he was seriously
wounded and left for dead leading to premature accounts of his death in
newspapers; his wounds forced him to retire from military service. He was the
only founder to serve Sigma Chi as its national president from 1895-1897. He
lived his last eight years in Hillsboro, Ohio, and, ironically, died on the
61st birthday of Sigma Chi at the age of 80. He is remembered for his courage:
first in college by standing firm on his principles and later on the
battlefield. (More on
Runkle on Sigma Chi Web page.)
Thomas Cowan Bell was 23 years old when he helped found
Sigma Chi and he is remembered for his keen wisdom in decision-making and in
his later life. His aunt's home was used as the first chapter house of Sigma
Chi, where the seven would meet to formulate ideas and discuss issues. Bell
served with distinction in the Civil War attaining the rank of Lieutenant
Colonel. After the war he returned to education, becoming the superintendent
of schools in Nobles County, Minnesota; later he became president of Philomath
College and later of Central Oregon State Normal School. His personality and
unselfishness caused Runkle to say that Bell had ``an expression on his face
that made one instinctively reach for his hand." (More on
William Lewis Lockwood was born on Halloween in 1936, and was
the only founder not a member of Dekes. He possessed the needed skills of
organization and integrity which were crucial in Sigma Chi's survival and
expansion. With enthusiasm he joined the six founders and continued to be very
active while in college and as an alumnus. After graduating he returned to his
home in New York, passed the bar in 1860, and began practicing law. When the
war broke out, he helped recruit volunteers and eventually attained the rank of
Captain. However, he was seriously wounded at the assault on Fort Wagner and
had to be discharged. Not able to practice law due to his
injuries, he formed the very successful firm of Lockwood, Alpin, and Company.
But his health failed and in 1867 he died at the early age of 31. He is
remembered for his integrity in establishing Sigma Chi, in his honorable
service to his country, and in his professional life. (More on
Daniel William Cooper was known as the ``balance wheel" of the
fraternity because of his maturity and confidence. He was 26 years old when he
help found Sigma Chi and gave the group inspiration and cohesion; he was
the first president of the chapter. After graduation he entered the seminary
and was ordained a Presbyterian minister which took him to many churches and on
missionary services. He was the last of the founders to die (1920) and his
original pin was presented to the fraternity as a permanent memento of the
founding and is now passed on from one national president to the next. He is
remembered for his self-control and level-headedness. These traits led Runkle
to recall: ``The little band was, if possible, over-stocked with physical
courage, nervous energy, and overleaping ambition to place the White Cross high
in the heavens. Cooper was quiet, calm, earnest, true, conscientious, and
faithful. He was as the shadow of St. Peter passing by. We all sought him in
his modest quarters, and no one came away without better resolutions and
stronger hopes." (More on
Franklin Howard Scobey emphasized the importance of diversity
of personalities and character when recruiting new members embodying the
philosophy set forth in the ``Spirit of Sigma Chi." He was instrumental in
recruiting four of the others into Dekes and later recruited Lockwood. Runkle
had this to say about his soft-spoken friend: ``Without Frank Scobey I do not
believe that Sigma Chi would have succeeded and endured. We had our
disappointments, our months of gloom and times when it seemed that we had no
chance of success. But Frank Scobey was never discouraged. Always looking on
the more hopeful side, his very smile and cheerful words of encouragement gave
us new heart." And he was only 18! After graduation he studied law, was
admitted to the bar in 1860, but suffered from increasing deafness which
hindered him in later life. Finally settling on a farm near Oxford, he became
intensely involved in horticulture and unfortunately became afflicted with an
acute facial inflammation causing him to become isolated. At the age of 41 he
died. He is remembered for his congeniality and courtesy in his dealings with
others and for his cheerfulness when faced with adversity. (More on
James Parks Caldwell was the youngest of the founders being
only 14
when he became part of Sigma Chi. Early in his life, others saw his remarkable
intelligence and dedication to his principles. After three years at Miami he
was graduated and then studied law. He moved to Mississippi and set up a law
practice but soon enlisted in the Confederate Artillery when the war started.
He was captured in 1863 and remained a prisoner of war until the conflict
ended. During his imprisonment he was offered his freedom if he denounced his
allegiance to the Confederacy but he declined and remained loyal to the South.
After the war he practiced law and traveled extensively throughout the United
States. In 1888 he returned to Mississippi where he set up his law practice. He
died in 1912 in Biloxi and is remembered for his fidelity to principle,
evidenced in his college days and during the Civil War. His young age while in
college inspired the other founders to foster a ``spirit of youth."
(More on Caldwell
Isaac M. Jordan, besides being one of the ``recalcitrant
six," was
largely responsible for the initial expansion of Sigma Chi. While a student he
vigorously recruited new members both at Miami and on other campuses. Upon
graduation he studied law and was admitted to the bar; he practiced in Dayton
and later formed a law practice with his brothers in Cincinnati. In 1882,
Jordan was elected to Congress. He is remembered for his high ambition and
initiative reflected in the Jordan Standard, which has
become the guide for pledging men to Sigma Chi.
(More on Jordan