Programmes & Projects


Culture Understanding

As the world becomes smaller, the need for acceptance, mutual respect and ability to act in a multicultural world is growwing . AIESEC work to increase awareness of different cultures in the world.

Higher Education & Learning

Education whether it is formal or informal is a process that allows the development of a person into a better member of a society. AIESEC contibutes to improve the abilities of young poeple according to the challenges of the world around. AIESEC also tries to give insight and intoduce changes to education system, especially business and economics faculties. AIESEC also help to educate the society to build a better world by raising awareness on global issues, such as environment, and AIDS.


The educational system prepare youth to become employees, and only a small number of them consider alternatives. Entrepreneurship could supply them with an altenative to unemployent in addition to supplying society with a way to achieve economic and social development. AIESEC tries to develop the entreprenurial capacity of students, and other young poeple.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The "responsible global corporation" has been defined as business taking an active role in addressing economic, social and environment issues at both global and local community level. As an organization of upcoming business persons, AIESEC sees that responsibility in contributing to the shifting of the perceptions of business to suit the needs of the upcoming century.

Informations & Society

AIESEC members always aware to the environment and society they lived in . AIESEC provide youth with tools so they can get and exchanging information with each other to contribute for they environment & society.


Director of Programme :  

Evi Damayanti ( (phone +62-21-7660422)

Astuti D Martosudirjo ( (phone +62-22-235978)

Support Team  :

M. Setiawan ( (phone +62-341-327449)

Tommi Parnando ( (phone +62-341-51757)


Intrenational Trainneship Exchange Programme

This programme is the major activities in AIESEC. Students is exchanged to work in companies in foreign countries. This activities is coordinated internationally by AIESEC International.

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Youth Development Envoy Programme

Through this programme, students work in foreign countries in community project. Cooperated with many NGOs, AIESEC Indonesia is doing this project with AIESEC Australia and Japan.

Indonesia-Australia Bilateral Coorperation

Under this programme, there are several projects mainly deal with exchanging students, comparative study on education system, and Indonesia-Australia business.

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Vietnam Extension Programme

This programme focus on opening relationship with Vietnam, cooperate with students and companies in Vietnam and companies that want to expanding to Vietnam.


Career Days & Contact Talk

Company gives presentation and possibly also conduct rcruitment. There's also a chance for company to exhibit the company and its products/services.

Study Tour

A visit of foreign AIESECers to several cities in Indonesia. The purpose is to understand Indonesian culture, economic and education better. This project held annually with AIESECers from Japan.

Export Mission

AIESEC organize exhibition and export mission in foreign countries, like the one we did in Finland

Seminar & Workshop

Targeted mainly at academic and udergraduates, these activities aimed to provide participants with opportunity to learn from speakers who are profesionals in their field, or to know more about certain issues.


Such as Stock Exchange Games ( simulation of stock trading) ,English Debate ,and World Games

International and National Meeting

AIESEC Indonesia have organized several meeting to International or National AIESECers student ,some of them are : Sub-regional AIESEC Global Seminar Series in 1990, AIESEC South Asia Motivation Seminar, Malang 1990, AIESEC ASEAN Discovery Tour 1992, AIESEC Asia Pacific Congress, Sukabumi, Agustus 1993, National Conference ( twice a year ), National Planning Meeting (once a year),and Indonesia Leadership Development Seminar ( 1995, 1996)

AIESEC Event in 96-97

Int'l Summer Week                            Cagliary, Italy                      1-8     August

Global Seminar & ST                         Lima, Peru                          1-10

Nat'l Leadership Seminar                    Berkeley, USA                   4-11

Dracula Tour                                      Rumania                             4-16

APC                                                  Hongkong                           5-12

Caravan ST                                        Rusia                                  6-21

XTC Reception Week                        Germany                            9-21

Seminar Program on Tourism ST         Kenya                             10-17

Anatoly ST                                          Turkey                            10-25

East ST                                               Germany                         17-21

4th Japan-Germany Student Forum      Hosei, Japan                   17-21

APLDS                                               Srilanka                          18-21

Summer ST                                         Egypt                              20-5

AMCO                                               Ecuador                           26-6

Grand Canyon ST                               Arizona, USA                  30-2

Business Dev'l Seminar                        Queensland, Australia         1           September

Indonesia Australia Meeting           Bandung Indonesia          1-8

Reach Across the Globe                      Keio, Japan                       1-11

Unitel                                                  Columbia                           2-6

NORBE                                              Lithuania                          17-22

END / Nat'l Dev'l Meeting                   Brazil                               19-22

Summer Camp                                    Germany                          20-22

National Training for Trainers         Semarang Indonesia      24-26

National Conference                        Semarang Indonesia      27-29

Career Days Jakarta                        Indonesia                          1-3     Oktober

FA Congress Info. & Society               Zurizch, Switzerland          19-20

ILDS                                                   Hong Kong                       27-3

AIESEC Alumni Congress                   Belgium                             30-3

Dialog                                                  Stutgard, Germany              6-7      November

CULDS                                               Hong Kong                       13-22

Do-It                                                   St.Gallen, Switzerland          5-8       December

Int'l Motivation Seminar                       Napoly, Italy                        7-10

Conecta                                              Germany                             11

Indonesia Leadership Dev't Sem.   Padang Indonesia             19-21

National Conference                         Padang Indonesia            19-21

Forex Games & Finc. Industry Exhb.    Malaysia                           19-22

APXLDS                                             Singapore                          17-25    Febuary

SEM                                                    Malaysia                              3-10      March