The National Committees of
AIESEC Indonesia with its country core competencies which are as the 4th most populated country in the world ( about 200 millions people consist of many tribe and cultural ), and fast economics growth in Asia in the `90ies ( in the middle of Asia's merchant route ), see that they can contribute a lot for the development of people globally .
The AIESEC Indonesia National Committee office is on the capital city of Indonesia , Jakarta.
The main functions of The National Committee are responsible to all Local Committees activities, making relations to either External parties ( students, companies, governments, NGO ) or Internal parties ( AIESEC International, foreign National Committees/Local Committees, Alumni ), an developing the systems required for that.
AIESEC Indonesia National Committee 1996-1997 contacts are :
Office : Jl. Salemba Raya 4 Jakarta 10430
Mailing Address : Bumi Pesanggrahan Mas H 24 Jakarta 12270
Phone : +62-21-3106437, Fax : +62-21-3106437, +62-21-7362808 ( Fax modem )
E-mail :
URL : ftp :
President :
Ardiansyah Aidil (e-mail ) ( phone +62-341-551351 )
VP Internal :
Dann Adrian Daud Pohan ( e-mail ( phone +62-21-7362808 )
VP External :
Aryo Budhi Hartawan ( e-mail ) ( phone +62-22-2504512 )
VP Development :
Nurullita Berlianti ( e-mail ) ( phone +62-22-2504801 )
For the period of 1996-1997 Indonesian National Committee is working on several programmes & projects, some of witch are Indonesia Australia Bilateral Co-operation, International Traineeship Exchange Programme, Asia Pacfific Exchange, Youth Development & Envoy Programme, & Focus on Vietnam Extention.
So with AIESEC , Indonesian people especially the students can exchanging their knowledge of growing with other countries through partnering with companies and taking participation in global activities.
In its operation for about 12 year, AIESEC Indonesia already co-operated with numbers of companies either International Companies or Domestic Companies, either for national activities or local activities.