What is AIESEC?
AIESEC (pronounced eye-sek) is a dynamic global association of students which works to "contribute to the development of countries and their people with an overriding commitment to international understanding and co-operation"
It is composed of university students from all disciplines who's activities are primarily run in co-operation with the business sector. These activities are based on three components:
·exchanging students internationally
·partnering with companies and
·mobilizing students globally
Of these, the international exchange of people is the main way AIESEC addresses many different topics, and from this, we must develop beneficial partnerships with companies (and other organisations) and work with fellow university students to shape our shared future.
These exchange activities all work towards five key solutions AIESEC is working towards globally: Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education & Learning, Information & society and Cultural Understanding.
These five topics all work towards the building of an interdependent world in which people learn and act together for what is quickly becoming a shared future.
AIESEC is an exciting learning experience where idealism is combined with concrete, constructive and positive action. Where the wonders of the world and it's cultures are available to anyone who becomes involved with AIESEC.
One by one, students in AIESEC around the world are learning as they run a global organisation, as they interact with companies, as they learn more about social issues and the cultures of the world.
One by one, students in AIESEC are applying this learning by acting through the many programmes and thousands of projects that are run to educate & affect different issues and the people related to these issues.
One by one, students are learning about different cultures and many other topics through one of thousands of international work exchanges that AIESEC organises.
One by one, students are organising projects to impact their community or organising a conference to help other students learn what they have learned and translate that learning into even more action.
One by one, former students who were in AIESEC are leading in making their organisations more responsible and leading the world in making it a better place for all people.
One by one, members are developing themselves, by putting their dreams and hopes for the future into action every day. This change most often happens as they come in contact with people of different cultures and develop a global mindset and an appreciation for diversity: change through exchange.
All these activities revolve around the thing which has made AIESEC what it is: to make a better world through the international exchange of people...one by one.