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Sunali's Completely Pointless Homepage

Heh. Having accidentally erased my last page - time for a change!

Well. I guess it was time for a new spiel anyway, except as with last time can't think of much to say.


I am a 4th (and last) year uni student in the University of NSW (in Australia), studying psychology. And yes, I do know what you are thinking. Don't believe me? See - I knew it!

I am, now, raring to get out of university. Supposed to be the best years of my life they tell me - man, if I believed this was as good as it gets I'd have killed myself long ago.

I am currently doing my thesis on love - don't ask why, it's a long story. Someday I will explain it on here and then everyone who asks me about it can be directed here!

I have no hobbies.

I have no free time.

I have no interests.

I like to sleep.

However, I have recently relinquished my title even for this, having found a soulmate who sleeps even more than I. Who would in fact have rather more time to BE a soulmate if he slept a little less...

Some photos?

And here's how many people have been here since I've updated my page. And yes, I am well aware that I the the only one who cares.

And I take it all back. On second look at this counter there is not a chance that this many people have been here. There's about five less than that

Now it's reset to zero! Really I don't know why I even try with these counters anymore, grumble grumble.....

Links - forgotten most of them but will be chasing them up...

dark_bullet2 Thuraisingham Family Homepage

dark_bullet2 Big Little Brother...and his political homepage

dark_bullet2 Dancetopia - Excellent Dance Teacher in Sydney

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