that you wanted to know about
But were afraid to ask!
Where are you from?
I spent a good portion of my life growing up in the subburbs
of San Diego, California. I also spent a couple years north of Los Angeles
in Camarillo. About 12 years ago, my daddy got transfered to North Texas
and I have been here ever since. I love living here in McKinney,
although I much prefer the weather and climate of San Diego and hope to
one day move back there.
How old are you?
In July I will be turning the big "21". Which I don't
think it is such a big deal as everyone makes it out to be.
How did you get your nickname PennyNorth?
As like most nicknames, it was given to me when I was
little. It orginated from "Nickle" which I have had since I was a baby
thanks to Muffy Jo. An old friend's mom came up with it years ago when
I was still active in girl scouts and swimteam and it has stuck ever since.
Not that I mind it cause I think its kinda cool! :)
Where do you go to college at?
To the surprise of many people, I have left Austin
College. After a year filled with battling some minor health problems
and just not being happy there. I took a year off to sort things out and
decide what I really want to do with my life and what I have to do to get
there. I am currently going to Collin County
Community College, which is near my parent's home. In the fall, I think
I will either transfer to the University
of California @ San Diego, The University of San Francisco or St.
Edwards University in Austin.
What are you majoring in?
Like most college students, what I thought I was going
to major in turned out to be something that just wasn't me. I have decided
to dump my former major of International Studies/Spanish with a minor in
Economics and switch to Psychology and Art. I hope to spend my junior year
studying in Rome or some other part of Italy. Ever since I was little I
wanted to go to Rome and some other areas of Italy to meet my family there
and to really spend some time just touring around the area.
What do you look like?
* I am 5 foot 11 inches tall (and no I don't consider
myself tall)
* Short light brown hair (or whatever color I dye it)
* Blue-Green eyes that kinda change depending apon my
mood and outfit
* No I am not revealing my weight, size or any other
kinda measurement so deal with it!
What are your hobbies/Intersts?
* Computers
* Reading
* Hanging out with friends
* Dancing
* Chatting (something I do WAY too much)
What are your favorite movies?
* Top Gun
* Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
* Romeo and Juliet
* Circle of Friends (although the book is much better
than the movie)
* While You Were Sleeping
* You've Got Mail
* Perfect Murder
* Hope Floats
* Dance With Me
What is your favorite food?
If I had my way I would only eat Italian and Mexican
food. Well that and Peanust Butter-n-Jelly Sandwhiches. Just ask anyone
who lives with me...I can go days with out anything but pasta or some quick
mexican dish.
Want to know more?
Yo're outta luck! :)
HoW tO gEt In CoNtAcT wItH mE:
you can either reach me via eMail:
OR nicolite21@aol.com
And you can also reach me through:
ICQ (4705837) and AOL
IM (nicolite21)
You are the
lucky person to visit this site!
©1996-1999, designed and maintained by PennyNorth
Last modified on: January 16, 1999