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The past couple years I have participated in Model United Nations of the South West. The one thing I have learned about the whole MUN program is that it doesn't matter how well you can BS or wether you are comfortable standing up in front of a ton of people you don't know (although both help a lot), but it DOES matter that you know your assigned country inside and out. It is also helpful to know as much as possible about your major allies and your great enemys. The more you know about your country the easier it is to write and defend your resolution(s). No matter how well you can BS your enemy (or even your bestest allie) will shoot holes left and right in your proposal. The search for resources can be a long difficult one; I hope the following links can help you all in your search! :)
Research Guide: Basic questions that will help guide your research. (from OU's MUNSW handbook)

Wuzzardo's Model United Nations Help Page: Great Links!!!

The United Nations Charter: It is helpful to know the organizational rules and policies of the UN.

United Nations Gopher

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

UN Depositories: Check to see where the nearest UN Depository is to you.

A MUN Guide to Internet Sources

Houston Area Model United Nations Home Page: A great deal of resources and tips on writing resolutions.

Pathfinder: Time Warner's web site; news wires updated at the hour.

CNN Interactive: has the top news as well as searchable archives.

Electronic Newsstand: magazines such as the Economist and Reuters News Wires.

The WWW Virtual Library: United Nations: Any UN site you could imagine is linked here!

Background Notes: background notes on each nation of the world.

United Nations Peace Keeping: basic information on all UN peacekeeping operations, present and past.

Yahoo's MUN site: links to other MUN help sites and various MUN organizations.

More links to come later!

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©1996-1999, designed and maintained by PennyNorth
Last modified on: January 16, 1999