to my little corner of the web! For those of you who haven't had the opportunity
to meet me yet, I am PennyNorth, or as my friends-n-family know me Nicole
Lynn, Nickle, Nic-o-Lite and little princess. I am really glad you choose
to stop by my site. For those of you who have been here before, you have
probably seen my site go through many changes over the past four years.
I have decided to go back to the basics and hopefully actually be able
to keep this site up to date, something I haven't really had the time to
do in the past year or so.
(do to the fact that I am redoing my site...not all the links are
activated at this time)
Everything you wanted
to know about PennyNorth, but were afraid to ask.
A page dedicated to Model
United Nations
Awards my site has recieved
over the years
Links to various sites
on the Internet
Friends I have made
over the years
My Photoalbum
Site of the Month:
Doug's Chat
Please stop by this site. It was the first place I started chatting
at way back in 10th grade. Doug has recently taken back over the site and
is trying to bring it back to the glory of its past. If no one is there
or hardly anyone at all, sign in anyhow and see who shows up!
Like all sites these days, I have a guestbook! Take some time to
sign it or just read what other people have had to say!
[Sign the book]
[View the Book]
[Look at my old guestbooks]
HoW tO gEt In CoNtAcT wItH mE:
you can either reach me via eMail:
OR nicolite21@aol.com
And you can also reach me through:
ICQ (4705837) and AOL
IM (nicolite21)
You are the
lucky person to visit this site!
©1996-1999, designed and maintained by PennyNorth
Last modified on: January 16, 1999