Ova stranica je namjenjena da uveze sve stranice o Zenici. Pisite mi sta vas interesuje, i posaljite mi adresu vase stranice da bih dodao link na nju. Uskoro mnogo vise !! Sve nove informacije iz Zenice mozete pronaci na Home page of Zenica.
The purpose of this page is to combine all pages about Zenica City, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is devoted to all people who love Zenica with all their heart and to those who want to learn more about it. Write me back and tell me what is your connection to Zenica, love, work or something else. Comming soon "Bosnian Student Project".

-JA!- Teska rijec, koja u ocima onih pred kojima je kazana odredjuje nase mjesto, kobno i nepromjenljivo, cesto daleko ispred ili iza onoga sto mi o sebi znamo, izvan nase volje i iznad nasih snaga. Strasna rijec koja nas, jednom izgovorena, zauvijek vezuje i poistovjecuje sa svim onim sto smo zamislili i rekli i sa cim nikad nismo ni zamisljali da se poistovjetimo, a u stvari smo, u sebi, vec odavno jedno.
Special Thanks to Patrick McCarthy (Bosnian Student Project), Paul Andersen (Incredible man!! Without you I wouldn't succeed...), Dianne Lee, Bert Barry (Webster University), Timothy Wichmer (Brown & Wichmer, P.C.), GeoCities, Yahoo, and all my frieds for all your supports and understanding.

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Last-modified: MON, July 28, 1997.
Copyright© 1997 Amir Kundalic