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Drinking Games
No proper night out at the student bar is complete without a drinking game or two. Here are the rules to a few of my favourite.
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More games added January 1998
More games added March 1998
Games for the uninhibited!
NEW 2000!The Lost Drinking Games of April 1998 to September 1998
Basic Rules
Disclaimer: These games are not specifically designed for use with alcoholic drinks.
Don't drink alcohol unless you are over the legal age where you live.
- Beer or cider is drunk from a pint glass, cocktails or spirits from a half pint glass
- Standard definition of a pint = 8 fingers
- Fines are halved for spirits and cocktails
The Matchbox game
- Empty pint glass (rules glass) optional
Everyone sits around the table with their drinks. The game commences by christening the matchbox in a drink and naming it. The matchbox is passed around the table and players take it in turns to throw the matchbox onto the table from below the level of their drink. If the matchbox lands on
- the long side, it accumulates 2 fingers of fine
- the short side, it accumulates 4 fingers of fine
- face up or face down, the player drinks the accumulated fine, rejoining the game only when he has finished the drink
- the floor, the player drinks their whole drink as quickly as possible
Advanced rules
- A rules glass may be placed in the centre of the table. If the matchbox lands in the glass the player may make up an additional rule. (See later for examples of additional rules)
- Ceiling shots - the player may 'use the force' to play a shot by closing their eyes and throwing the matchbox so that it hits the ceiling and lands on the table. If it does not hit the ceiling, it is a foul shot.
- If matches fall from the matchbox during play, that many fingers must be drunk by the player who threw the box. The matchbox must not be tampered with when using this rule
The Two Coin Game
- Two identical coins (we use 10p or 2p coins)
Everyone sits around the table. Players take turns to throw the two coins from below the level of the table onto the table. If they land
- a head and a tail, the matchbox is passed on
- 2 tails, the player drinks 2 fingers
- 2 heads, the player makes an additional rule
- on the floor, the player does a 4 finger fine
The One Coin Game
Simple but deadly
Someone is declared coin flipper. He flips the coin for each player. If they guess heads or tails correctly, it goes to the next player. If not, they drink 2 fingers.
Chris Gillmore's
Pool Drinking game
- A pool table, cues, balls etc
The game of pool is played as normal.
- Every shot played that doesn't result in a ball being potted is 1 finger
- A foul shot is 2 fingers
- Potting the white is 4 fingers
- Potting the black is 8 fingers
- The loser of the game finishes their drink
Can be deadly if your shots go to pieces when you're drunk.
I never did . . .
Submitted by Dom "Hippy" Hamon
- People with a low embarassment
- alcohol
Everyone sits around a table and one
person is elected to begin. They start
by saying "I never did " followed by
something that they DID do. Everyone
around the table who has also done the
deed then drinks a fine. Game then
continues around the circle.
Advanced rules
It may be possible to make everyone that
has not done the deed to then do it.
(This may be done in private)
Three Man
Submitted by Nicole Cantu
a pair of dice
4+ people for best results
and, of course, alcoholic beverages
(it is of utter importance to keep the
glasses full)
everyone rolls a die till a three is rolled
that individual is "Three Man" - the game
We proceed by allowing each individual to
take turns rolling the 2 dice and perform
specified activities as directed by the roll
(listed below) the last person to perform the tasks
takes a drink. One person rolls till they get a "dead roll"
anytime a three is rolled: "Three Man" drinks
1-2:everyone touches glass to edge of table
last one drinks
1-4:everyone puts thumb to forhead, last one
1-5:social ... everyone takes a drink
7 : person to the right of roller takes a drink
11: perosn to left of roller takes a drink
doubles: roller gives the total number of drinks away
to anyone EXCEPT three-man - if given to three man the
roller becomes the new threeman
if die roll off table = dice abuse : roller drinks
if someone spills drink = drink abuse: culprit drinks
1-1: person of rollers choice takes a drink
any roll not listed is a "dead roll" and the dice get
passed on to next roller.
This is a heavy drinking game and the fun comes in when
people are just learning what to do and they screw-up,
or get so wasted they forget what to do. As long as one
person knows the plays ... everyone is able to catch on.
Submitted by James Wayner
- 11 dimes
- Your favourite drink (beer, rye)I suggest beer.
- five players or less
Everyperson gets a chance to deal. What you do is shake the coins up in your hands and stack them. Dealer calls head or tails and revoves the top coin. If the coin underneath is the the right one the player drinks one or two mouth fulls(decided on before the game starts). Dealer goes through the stack with each player then passes the coins to the next player to deal.
Examples of additional rules
- Thumb master: The player declares themselves thumb master. When they put their thumb on the table, other players must put the correct thumb on the table. the last player to do so does a 2 finger fine and then becomes thumb master. (Also foot, tongue, head master)
- Jive master: the player declares themselves jive master. When they stand up and jive, the other players must do the same. The last one up does a 2 finger fine and becomes the jive master. (Also air-guitar master, Hawaii 5-0 master etc)
- Toilet chairman: the player becomes the toilet chairman. Players wishing to go to toilet must ask the chairman, who puts it to a vote. Players vote with a thumbs up or down. If the vote is no, the player cannot ask again for 5 minutes.
- No using numbers
- No pointing
- Left handed drinking
The Toilet Chairman registers
visitors since 1st December 1997.
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