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Don's HomePage

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Welcome to my homepage. I don't really know what stuff to add to my page still. Too busy at UCLA. If you have an idea then just send your suggestion to donkim@ucla.edu Thanks.

This is MY homepage. Right now it is under construction and needs a lot of work and I am kinda of lazy right now. Future improvements are on the way...maybe...if I ever have any free time.

WOW..thanks for coming...


October(Henry Hsiao)

November(Wayley Louie & Henry Hsiao)

December(Scott French)

Fool of the month(January): Phillip Liu and Scott Yoshio French in the background

February--We are all fools...

My Pages

This is where you can find some funny stuff(below are some comic links)

This is where you can find out about me

This where you will find some of my pictures(some borrowed from Mike) New downloads here

This is my page of cool cars

CHAT This my chat page(you have to push "reload" after thing you write)

My Friends' Homepages


DOH!..There they go again

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people have been here...

Email: donkim@ucla.edu

Best viewed with Netscape 3.0 or later

last modified: February 13, 1997