These documents are from recent lessons on our IRC channels.
We can be found at #Paganism on:
kechara.sorcery.net Port: 6667
blackmagic.sorcery.net Port: 9000
mordor.sorcery.net Port: 6667
Our channel is an abundance of information provided from learned individuals of a variety of paths. Feel free to join us in our discussions (which are not always on magick... often on philosopy, morals, ect.) But be warned: The channel ops are very strict when it comes to showing respect to other's paths. (Expecially Markus, Ldy Ashlynn, and FeenixRed) We are there to have fun and learn, not bash beliefs that don't convienently coincide with our own. If you are tired of "idle chat" Pagan and Witchcraft channels, and are looking to learn and share knowledge, we may be the people you are looking for... Join us!
Other entries are contributed by others to the site.
You can download the latest IRC Client Programs:
Pirch (Markus' Pref) OR
mIRC (Lady Ashlynn's Pref)
Disussions: |
A NOTE ON SPELLS: Numerous folks everyday claiming they will do anything to be a Witch and requesting spells to start them off. Everytime, I decline to provide them with spells. Why? First off, spells are little more than a few words strung together to clarify your intent for the energy you immediately release. In Wicca, "spells" are usually a "simple" ritual with candles and magick knives or wands or whathaveyou. In Traditional Witchcraft, spells are impromptu collective of words and the energy released for an immediately needed outcome. If I were to hand out spells, I would not only be depriving you of the chance to express your creativity, but also (I feel) greatly disrespecting the intelligence of you, my community, in not being able to put together 7 or 8 words that say what you want to do. I'd be implying that you all have less intelligence than a 3 year old... I won't do that. Additionally, if it is rituals that you seek, take a moment to think about how easily a ritual can be altered to bring about a harmful effect. A changed word here, and altered motion there, perhaps a little of this oil instead of that. In a very few tailored alterations, you have a ritual that brings malice and not health. I cannot moderate who comes to visit my site, nor do I want to. For those people who are seeking those types of harmful workings, I'll not be the one to give them the basis to actually do it. I'm sorry that this means the people who aren't like that "suffer," but I'd think much less of myself if I slung potentially harmful information around without regard to how it may be used and on who. So now you know why I have not posted any spells, not because I think YOU in particular are hateful, but because I don't know if the person coming in after you is. Also PLEASE DON'T WRITE ME AND SAY "I want to be a Good Witch, can I have some spells now??" *smile* That won't do it. If you want to learn, you are free to come to our IRC channels, get to know us and after we have gotten to know you, we may share some other information. Finally, above all else, if you learn nothing from this site, learn that Witchcraft is NOT about magick. It's about being the best person you know how to be. Peace and Enlightenment, |
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