But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure; And seek not the depth of your knowledge with staff or sounding line. For self is a sea boundless and measureless. Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth." Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path." for the soul walks upon all paths. ~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet |
The Wheel of Time turns and eras of knowledge come, dwindle, vanish, and come again... Within the last few decades the Witchcraft has undergone a social renaissance, again becoming known as it once had been among the "common folk" of the Old World. The art of Witchcraft has again come to Dawning!
This site is dedicated to the education of the populous on the ways of the Craft and Paganism; to diminishing prejudice based on dissimilar beliefs; to exercising the First Amendment... but most of all, to bringing the knowledge of many centuries into light for those who have yet to be exposed to the subjects society deems "unwholesome," who are shielded from alternate truths, who have yet to become Seekers of Truths and not Acceptors of a truth.
Within these pages you will find information, articles, and essays on a variety of Craft related topics, contributed by a collection of people. Witchcraft Dawning is a sister site to Ashlynn's Grove, a Pagan information resource. While the Grove is a resource center (often on a more advanced level), Witchcraft Dawning works on the less advanced level. Most of the articles here are by newer witches and pagans, and this site will grow with them. Updates are posted Very often so if you wish to keep up with a particular section, please refer to that page, as there will be no "update" graphics.
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For years now, Disney has been the world's most profitable children's entertainment corporation. For this very reason, very few parents have taken to the time to actually inspect the messages within the famous animated movies. After recently reviewing some Disney films, I noticed a disturbing trend of political moves and biased agendas. |
An article by Raylene about the spirits of the four Elements. Who is to deny their power, versatility, and presence? And who will appreciate them? |
Shelle has agreed to allow me to post our correspondences in hopes that they will help others who may be facing a similar situation and benefit from an outside view. All this material is unabridged, but future letters may be trimmed due to information about our separate personal lives that she or I may not wish to share as public knowledge. Until that time, you are welcome to join us in all our Journeys of a Catholic Witch! Got some suggestions or similar experiences? Newly added: |
Well, you all asked for it, so she did it! Ashlynn has officially set up the "Ashlynn's Grove Store"! Products sold within are One-of-a-kind pagan accessories: On top of all this, all proceeds go to improving the performance capabilities and resource levels of Ashlynn's Grove. Simply Hyper-Jump HERE to check out all the great opportunities! ![]() (Rotating Pentacle by Marc Shannon) |
With a large variety of personally designed graphics and musical attatchements, you can brighten the day of a friend anywhere on the planet with a simple Greeting Card... selection offers something for Any occassion. Even just because. |
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The Death and Afterlife Series is coming to an end, the final essay should be out in by the end of the week. Thanks to all who took the time to lend their thoughts and ideas, as well as experiences, on the subject. I've certainly learned quite a bit about what I feel and, more importantly, WHY I feel it. I hope you have too. Jump Here to see some of our other findings. |
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Take a small peek into our IRC classrooms and the Lessons that are conducted nightly within. Thanks to folks from a wide variety of paths we are able to provide knowledge and techniques for a LARGE range of craft applications. Also included are Articles and Discussions, logged from our IRC channels or provided by others for display on the site. Other Lesson Sections: Tarot |
New Resource Available! Recently Lady Ashlynn and I were asked for information that could be used as a resource for works such as research papers, etc. Taking the idea (and running hard, as usual), Lady Ashlynn has put together a detailed list of those Accused of being "Witches"; includes Names, Dates, Places, and Type of Sentence/Execution. Also added are some links to other web resources with detailed information on some of the specific souls that were exstinguished for the "wickedness" of Witchcraft. |
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An eye for and eye And the whole world goes blind. |
If you have an article you would like to submit to Witchcraft Dawning, please Email the topic
and a brief summary of the article. The submission proposal will be reviewed (not for our agreement with
the literature, but rather if it fits in with the site's theme) and upon acceptance, we will request a complete copy to be
added to the page. All submissions are welcome, so feel free to share with the world your ideas and experiences.
-- Blessed Be Markus (Witchcraft Dawning Webmaster witchdawn@hotmail.com) |
"If you don't believe in Something, what's the point of living today, knowing you are only going to die tomorrow?" |
Done packing your mind here? Wondering where to turn next? |
The Occult Net is at your finger tips with AVATAR SEARCH!!! |
![]() | We saved Witches' Voice, now let's save another! AVATAR SEARCH needs OUR HELP, follow the link to their Urgent Plea page and learn how YOU can help! |
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Markus is a Proud Member of: the Pagan Webcrafters Association and the HTML Writers Guild (Membership to HWG or PWA does not assert that they sponsor Witchcraft Dawning) |
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